As a man, are you uncomfortable with your breast size? See how we treat gynecomastia gynecomastia before and after surgery in our clinic. Our specialists achieve natural and lasting results so you can enjoy a more masculine and proportionate torso.

Reduction of breast size

Occasionally male breasts grow excessively due to hormonal reasons. This can occur at any age, but is common during adolescence and in older adults. This breast growth is called gynecomastia and can be corrected by cosmetic surgery.

To correct male breast enlargement, the surgeon first determines the origin of the problem. This defines the technique to be used for the surgery.

During gynecomastia, the overgrown mammary gland is removed.

If the enlargement of the male breasts is due to fat accumulation, it is not gynecomastia, but is called adipomastia. In this case it is reduced by liposuction.

Am I an ideal candidate?

If you identify with any of these situations you may be a good candidate for gynecomastia surgery:

Ask for a consultation with our medical team so that our specialists can analyze your case and find out which is the best technique for you.

Discover the benefits of gynecomastia

Regain confidence in your physical appearance and increase self-esteem. Gynecomastia surgery improves your physical appearance, will give you a more masculine look and you will feel more comfortable wearing your favorite clothes.

We invite you to see what the results of gynecomastia before and after surgery look like. Schedule your appointment with our specialists and get ready to transform your body and feel more confident with your image.