What is micro air liposuction?

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Advances in body surgery have brought us techniques that provide faster and more precise results. To introduce you to one that is providing great benefits we explain what is micro air liposuction. Read on to learn all about this procedure.

What is micro air liposuction?

Microair liposuction is a procedure in which state-of-the-art vibrating cannulas are used to remove fat. With this technique, the fatty tissue is made liquid and is eliminated selectively. That is, it modifies only the areas that are selected, without affecting the other tissues.

Thanks to this technique it is possible to treat small and difficult to access areas, with more precise results and faster recovery.

The fat removed by high definition liposuction can be used to sculpt the body, creating curves and muscle definition.

Key differences between traditional and microair liposuction

Liposuction in Madrid Spain traditional and microair differ in that the latter is more efficient and precise, which means that the surgeon has greater control during the procedure.

As for the technique itself, micro air liposuction uses a vibrating cannula that emulsifies the fat before removal, making it more precise and less traumatic.

Micro air liposuction surgery is faster than traditional liposuction, allowing more fat to be removed in less time. But also the recovery period is faster and less painful.

How does micro air liposuction work?

The micro air liposuction process

  1. To begin with, local or general anesthesia is applied, depending on the area to be treated and the extent of the intervention.
  2. The surgeon will mark the areas to be intervened during the procedure.
  3. Small incisions are then made in the skin to introduce the cannula.
  4. This cannula vibrates and emulsifies the fat, which is then removed by suction.
  5. At the end, the incisions are sutured with stitches or skin adhesives.
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Benefits of micro air liposuction

  • Greater precision: it allows sculpting the body in greater detail to define areas such as the abdomen, thighs, arms and jowls with greater precision, while avoiding damage to the surrounding tissues. As a result, the result is more natural and recovery is faster.
  • Less pain and inflammation: due to the vibration of the cannula, the fat cells are broken, facilitating their extraction. This translates into less trauma and less pain for the patient. 
  • Shorter recovery time: less trauma also means that patients can return to normal life within a few days. Recovery is more comfortable and less painful.
  • More natural results: it allows for more precise body sculpting and, therefore, the results are more natural and defined.
  • Versatility: not only is it a technique that can be used in different areas of the body, but other treatments can be performed in the same area together with microair liposuction.
  • Safer method: this is due to the fact that it is a less invasive procedure and, therefore, the risks are lower.

Ideal candidates for micro air liposuction

Ideal candidates for this procedure are patients who wish to remove stubborn fat deposits in specific areas of the body, and sculpt and define their body. Microair liposuction will provide them with natural, harmonious results and is less invasive than traditional lipo.

Eligibility Criteria

You may wonder if you are a good candidate to undergo this procedure. The first thing you should be clear about is that surgery is not indicated to fight overweight. Therefore, candidates must be people who are at or near their ideal weight. In addition, they must have maintained a stable weight in the last months.

Surgery is an effective alternative for those who have accumulations of localized fat that they have not been able to eliminate with diet or exercise.

The surgeon will also evaluate the quality of the skin, as it is essential that it has good elasticity and firmness to fit the new contour.

Realistic expectations

Before you have the procedure, your surgeon will ask you what you expect from micro air liposuction. It is important to have realistic expectations about the results. In addition, they must be accompanied by the patient's commitment to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

With liposuction you will achieve contour improvement and definition of the areas to be treated. You should expect realistic results tailored to your particular situation. Each patient is different and the surgeon will work to provide a natural result.

Prior consultation with the surgeon

If you are considering liposuction, it is recommended that you consult a plastic surgeon for advice on the best technique for your case.

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The specialist will evaluate your particular case to determine if you are an ideal candidate for micro air liposuction.

During the consultation with the surgeon you will also have the opportunity to clarify any doubts you may have. Bring a list with you with all the questions you have about the procedure so that you don't overlook anything. Be sure to ask about his or her experience in body contouring surgery and, specifically, in micro air liposuction.

Preparation for surgery

Preparing for surgery will ensure optimal recovery and satisfactory results. During the pre-surgery consultation, the surgeon will give you instructions on what to do before surgery.

Steps prior to the procedure

First of all, you should choose a surgeon who is certified and experienced in the micro-air technique. You will have the opportunity to discuss your goals with him/her during the preliminary consultations.

The surgeon, in turn, will ask you questions about your lifestyle and it is important that you are honest about it. Your answers will help the specialist determine if you are a viable candidate or if you need to make changes to become one.

He will also evaluate your state of health. To do so, he/she will request blood tests and other tests to evaluate your general health and determine if you are fit for surgery. Likewise, you must report any medications you are taking, especially anticoagulants or anti-inflammatory drugs, since they could interfere with the procedure.

With the result of all these evaluations and the physical examination, the surgeon will define the areas to be treated, the amount of fat to be removed and the specific technique to be used.

Finally, before surgery you should prepare your home for the postoperative period. Make sure you have a comfortable space to recover. Have all necessary supplies and prescription medications on hand.

Preoperative recommendations

Apart from the above indications, there are other recommendations that you should follow to guarantee an optimal result:

  • Eat a healthy diet: consume foods rich in nutrients to strengthen your immune system and optimize healing.
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco: these substances can affect blood clotting and increase the risk of complications.
  • Maintain adequate hydration: drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated and facilitate recovery.
  • Be physically active: maintain a moderate exercise routine, always with your doctor's authorization.

The recovery process

What to expect after surgery

After micro air liposuction it is normal to feel some discomfort and swelling in the treated areas. However, the trauma will be less than in traditional liposuction.

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At the end of the surgery, a compression bandage will be placed to help control swelling. The doctor will tell you how long you should wear this garment, which will also help the skin to adjust to the new contour.

Bruising is likely to appear, but it will disappear over time, as will the swelling. After the first two weeks following surgery, there should be little noticeable bruising.

The surgeon will give you specific instructions on incision care and hygiene. You must follow them to the letter to avoid infection and promote healing. He or she will also recommend lymphatic drainage to remove excess fluid.

Regarding the return to your normal activities, it will depend on the extent of the intervention, but, in general, it takes between 2 and 4 weeks.

Tips for successful recovery

To have an optimal recovery after micro air liposuction, follow the recommendations below:

  • You must get enough rest and sleep for your body to recover well.
  • Avoid physical exertion and strenuous activities during the first weeks after surgery.
  • Wear the compression garment as directed.
  • Clean the incision areas carefully and according to your surgeon's instructions to avoid infection.
  • Eat light, healthy foods to prevent inflammation and promote healing.
  • Take prescribed medications to reduce discomfort.
  • Attend follow-up appointments to evaluate your progress and make any necessary changes in the recovery process.

Postoperative follow-up

After liposuction you should maintain close communication with the surgeon and keep the scheduled appointments. This way he/she will be able to evaluate your progress, as well as detect any complications in time.

If you feel severe pain, the areas become red or very dark, or if you develop a fever, contact your doctor, as these may be a sign of infection.

Risks and considerations

Possible complications

Like any surgery, micro air liposuction can also have some complications. Among them we can mention:

  • Hemorrhage.
  • Infection.
  • Liquid accumulation.
  • Irregularities in the skin.
  • Body contour asymmetries.
  • Fat necrosis.
  • Deep vein thrombosis.

How to minimize risks?

The main recommendation to avoid complications is to choose a surgeon with experience in micro air liposuction and certification. In the case of Spain you can check if he/she is certified through SECPRE (Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery).

In addition, you must follow the preoperative and postoperative instructions to the letter. If you have any questions, be sure to clarify them.

It is important that you inform your doctor about any health problems or allergies you have, as well as the medications you take.

Finally, do not smoke or drink alcohol for at least two weeks before surgery and during recovery.

Now you know what micro air liposuction is and what to expect from this procedure. It is a safe and effective technique to remove localized fat and sculpt the body. Consult with your surgeon to find out if you are a good candidate for this surgery.

Dr. Miguel Fernández Calderón - Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Miguel Fernández Calderón - Plastic Surgeon

Degree in Medicine from the University of Castilla-La Mancha, with training in Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University Hospital La Paz. Member of the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (S.E.C.P.R.E).

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