What is labiaplasty and what you should know about the procedure

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Today we want to tell you about what is labiaplastyRead on to find out more about the procedure, to clear up any uncertainties and help you make informed decisions about this surgery, read on to learn more!

What is Labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty is a cosmetic surgery that modifies the size or shape of the labia minora of the vulva, which are the folds of skin on either side of the vaginal opening. The goal is that the labia minora do not hang below the labia majora.

This condition is not a health problem in itself, but it can involve self-esteem problems and discomfort.

The reasons why women opt for this procedure can be varied and include both aesthetic and functional reasons.

Some may feel physical discomfort during activities such as exercise or sexual intercourse due to the size of their labia minora. Others may opt for labiaplasty due to aesthetic insecurities or to improve their self-esteem. Each case is individual and depends on each woman's personal circumstances.

How do I know if I need a labiaplasty?

If you are concerned about the appearance of your labia or have discomfort when wearing tight clothing, doing certain exercises or sexual intimacy, then labiaplasty may be considered an option for you.

On the other hand, labiaplasty is also part of gender affirming surgeries.

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You should know that there are labia in different thicknesses and sizes. And that if you have no medical concerns your labia is considered normal.

labiaplasty procedure

Labiaplasty Procedure

Before labiaplasty surgery you should have a consultation with the specialist. This is to understand your expectations and goals. The surgeon will review your medical history and discuss with you the details of the procedure.

Preparation for labiaplasty may include specific instructions on diet, medication, and abstinence from tobacco and alcohol. It is important to follow these recommendations for a safe and successful procedure.

Labiaplasty is usually performed under local anesthesia and sedation depending on your comfort and the extent of the procedure. The area will be numbed. In addition, you will be given an oral sedative to calm your nerves before and during this surgery. This means that you should feel no pain during the procedure.

During this procedure, precise surgical techniques are used to reshape the labia minora, ensuring a natural and symmetrical result.

How is labiaplasty performed?

The specific technique to perform a labiaplasty will depend on each woman and her case, the most common methods include:

  • Border resection or amputation technique: This technique involves direct removal of excess tissue along the edge of the labia minora. It is simple, but may result in a less natural appearance due to the lack of contour of the labia minora border.
  • Wedge resection technique or central resection technique: This involves the removal of a "wedge" or central portion of the labia minora, preserving the natural border of the labia. The edges of the incision are then sutured together. This technique can preserve the natural appearance of the labia minora, but can be technically more challenging.
  • De-epithelialization technique: This involves removal of the outer layer of skin (epithelium) from a portion of the labium minora, reducing its size but preserving most of the natural structure of the lip. This technique can be useful when only modest reduction is needed.
  • Laser technique: Some surgeons may choose to use a laser to perform labiaplasty. The laser can offer greater precision and can minimize bleeding during surgery.
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The decision of one technique or another will be made by the surgeon and will be explained to you in the consultations prior to surgery.

Are there any risks or complications in labiaplasty?

The most common complications are suture separation, blood clots, excessive bleeding and wound infection. If you experience any of these symptoms you should call your surgeon immediately.

Choosing a good surgeon and a good clinic greatly reduces these risks.

Postoperative labiaplasty

Recovery time after labiaplasty varies, but generally you can expect to return to a normal routine in about a week. You should avoid strenuous physical activity and sexual intercourse for a period of four to six weeks. It is essential to follow postoperative instructions for a safe and effective recovery.

After labiaplasty you can expect swelling and redness in the area for about two weeks. You should not exercise or have sexual intercourse for 6 weeks.

The first 3 or 4 days you might have some bleeding spots, you will have to use sanitary napkins.

Most women can return to work 3-4 days after surgery.

The sutures dissolve on their own, so you will not have to return to the office for removal. However, you will have to attend postoperative consultations.

Does labiaplasty affect sensitivity?

The reduction of the labia tissue should have no impact on your sensitivity during intercourse. The nerve network is all over this area, so you will be protected against loss of sensation.

You will feel some numbness after surgery, but it is temporary. After a few days you will recover the normal sensitivity of the area.

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What not to do after a labiaplasty?

It is important to avoid exercise, strenuous activities or heavy lifting for one month after surgery. By restricting these activities, you decrease the risk of bleeding and swelling in the area.

Benefits of having a labiaplasty

  • Improved sexual intercourse: the labiaplasty procedure does not affect the clitoris, therefore, there should be no change in sexual sensations. On the contrary, women after surgery may experience better sensations after the procedure.
  • Improve the quality of life: labiaplasty can mean improvements in the quality of life of women, because they will feel better in their sexual relations, when exercising and even wearing tight clothing.

Now that you know what labiaplasty is and what you should know about the procedure, if you think you need this surgery, make an appointment with one of our specialists who will determine if you are a candidate. With realistic expectations and good health you will be able to have it done.

Dr. Miguel Fernández Calderón - Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Miguel Fernández Calderón - Plastic Surgeon

Degree in Medicine from the University of Castilla-La Mancha, with training in Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University Hospital La Paz. Member of the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (S.E.C.P.R.E).

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