Will there be irregularities in the skin after liposuction?

News, Tips and Aesthetic Care Blog

Every patient hopes to achieve the best results after a cosmetic procedure. However, you have to be clear about the risks you face. On this occasion we will talk about the irregularities in the skin after liposuction.What are they and can they be prevented? Read on to find out what to do to avoid these problems.

 What is liposuction?

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that allows the removal of localized fat in different areas of the body. For example, the abdomen, hips, thighs or arms. In this way, it is possible to eliminate that fat which, due to its characteristics, is difficult to eradicate with traditional methods.

With lipo only fat is removed, if you have to remove skin you have to do a tummy tuck Madrid Spain. Although they are two different surgeries, they complement each other.

Over the years, liposuction has become more effective. It is an invasive procedure, but with an accurate diagnosis and a precise technique, it does not present major complications for the patient's health.

It is also important to know what happens with liposuction before and after, the effects and consequences. It is best to explore the patient's suitability for surgery and that he/she makes a good preparation.

Most common liposuction techniques

Liposuction techniques have evolved over the years and different methods have been developed to remove excess fat. Among the most common are the following:

  • Tumescent liposuction: it is more common nowadays. The surgeon injects saline solution, local anesthesia and epinephrine into the area to be treated. Once the area is numbed, cannulas are inserted to remove the fat.
  • Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL): in this technique, ultrasonic energy is used to emulsify the fat cells, making them easier to aspirate.
  • Laser-assisted liposuction (LAL): In this case, lasers are used to melt and emulsify the fat cells before they are suctioned out. Lipolaser helps to reduce tissue trauma.
  • Water-assisted liposuction (WAL): a jet of water is used to loosen and remove fat.
  • High definition liposuction: in addition to removing fat, muscle contours are sculpted. This results in a more defined and toned appearance in areas such as the abdomen and torso.
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In order to choose the best liposuction technique, several factors must be taken into account, such as the surgeon's preferences, the patient's needs and the areas to be treated.

The surgeon will help choose the most appropriate method based on your goals and the overall health of the patient. He or she should also consider irregularities, such as post-liposuction skin crusting, to prevent these from occurring.

Who is a candidate for liposuction surgery?

As we have mentioned before, liposuction is especially indicated for healthy people, and in no case should it be a substitute for a healthy diet and frequent exercise. This is because liposuction does not offer permanent results, we can accumulate fat in our body again and, in fact, it is the most normal thing to do if we do not take good care of ourselves.
If we want to guarantee a good aesthetic result and avoid skin irregularities after liposuction, we must comply with a series of basic requirements that will make us suitable for it.

Requirements to be a candidate

First of all, we must maintain a good degree of physical health. To do this we check blood tests, the heart, and in general we do a complete medical checkup of the patient's condition.

The skin is also checked, since it must still be firm and skin must still be firm and elastic so that the liposuction does not leave irregularities afterwards.. It is also important that there have been no previous surgeries in the area to be treated.

This procedure is not recommended for patients with blood circulation problems or pulmonary pathologies, since this increases the risk of suffering complications during the operation.This increases the risk of suffering complications in the intervention.

Finally, the patient is advised to maintain a stable weightboth in the months prior to and in the years following liposuction. Failure to comply with this can cause fat to accumulate again and the skin to continue to suffer unnecessary damage that produces irregularities.

The surgeon will make an evaluation to know the condition of the patient's skin and, in the future, to avoid irregularities after liposuction such as wrinkles in the skin.

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In addition, you should maintain a stable weight and commit to a healthy lifestyle after liposuction.

These factors are key for the result to be the one we want and for there to be no sequelae in our body. A correct diagnosis and evaluation of the patient's state of health are decisive for everything to go well.. It is also necessary to evaluate how much fat can be extracted without compromising our skin.

What kind of irregularities can occur after liposuction?

There are certain factors that, if not taken into account, can produce irregularities in the skin of a liposuction. Below, we will see the possible complications that can occur.

Skin folds

They can appear when the skin does not contract properly after liposuction.

If before the intervention, the patient presents a high degree of overweight or an evident lack of elasticity in the skin, it is very likely that there will be folds and depressions in the treated area. This happens when the fat removed leaves a large gap and the skin has little capacity to adapt to this new empty space that has been generated.

Flaccidity and loss of elasticity 

Loss of skin elasticity is a problem that is aggravated by two factors: age and sudden changes in weight. This eventually causes asymmetries in our silhouette that, logically, can be aggravated with this procedure, which can generate the effect of wrinkled skin after liposuction.

Appearance of seromas

Another type of risk that may appear after this operation is the presence of seromas (accumulation of body fluids) in the treated area. presence of seromas (accumulation of body fluids) in the treated area and under the skin. and under the skin. This occurs especially if we do not use the compression garments and lymphatic drainage correctly during the postoperative period.

Dimples in the skin

When too much fat is removed from an area it is possible for skin depressions to appear. The risk is even greater if the patient has poor skin elasticity.


Color changes, such as brown or red spots, may also occur. To prevent this from happening it is important to take care of the skin as indicated by the doctor and avoid the sun while the scars heal.

You may also wonder why the skin itches after liposuction. This is normal as the scars heal and the skin recovers. Therefore, do not worry and keep the skin moisturized. If it is excessive, consult with your surgeon.

READ Care after abdominoplasty: Postoperative Care

Why do irregularities appear on the skin?

To know how to prevent the problems that can arise after liposuction, it is necessary to understand why they occur. There are four main reasons why these problems can occur:

  • First, the amount of fat removed. If too much fat is removed, the skin may not have enough elasticity to adapt.
  • Then there is the elasticity of the skin, since people with thinner skin or less elasticity are more likely to develop irregularities. This is why the surgeon's prior assessment is so important.
  • On the other hand, there is the technique used by the surgeon. Some liposuction methods may be more prone to cause irregularities than others. It is necessary to evaluate which is the most appropriate for each case.
  • Finally, there is the surgeon's experience. The specialist you choose should be experienced in liposuction, so he or she is more likely to produce satisfactory results.

Irregularities are likely to resolve themselves over time. However, in some cases they require an additional procedure to correct them.

How do we prevent these skin irregularities after liposuction?

The previous preparation for a liposuction in Madrid Spain is essential to determine the quality of the final result. Therefore, the first recommendation is to select well the medical team that will be in charge of performing the intervention. Not only so that the process goes well and without complications, but also to ensure a correct postoperative period.

The most important measures to be taken before the operation are the following:

  • Avoid the intake of medications that affect blood circulation.
  • Have a good good medical check-up and analysis of the patient's health.
  • Follow exhaustively the evolution of the evolution of the patient's state of health. of the patient.
  • Having healthy eating healthy and balanced and balanced eating habits.
  • Promote proper proper hydration of the skin drinking plenty of water daily.

Once the patient has undergone surgery, it is very important to follow these tips:

  • Use bandages or compression garments.
  • Make lymphatic drainage during the postoperative period.
  • Consuming products and products and foods with diuretic properties (to eliminate liquids)
  • Have periodic reviews of the patient's of the patient's health condition.

All these measures are only possible with a good team of professionals who watch over our health, as well as our aesthetics. At Sculpture Clinic we are specialists in body surgery and we will put our team of professionals at your service so that you get the result you desire. and we will put our team of professionals at your service so that you get the result you want.

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