Tips for an effective BBL recovery

News, Tips and Aesthetic Care Blog

Among those who wish to have a buttock augmentation and are looking for options within the existing aesthetic treatments, a BBL is presented as an excellent alternative, since it does not require the placement of implants. But before making a final decision, it is necessary to have as much information as possible about this process. With this in mind, we wanted to give you tips for an effective BBL recovery. So that you have a reference of what to expect once the procedure has been performed. Keep reading!

What is a BBL?

The acronym BBL stands for Brazilian Butt Lift, which is a cosmetic treatment in which autologous fat extracted from other areas of the patient's body is transferred to the buttocks.

Fat is taken from where there is excess adipose tissue, such as the abdomen, hips and thighs, with the objective of increasing the volume of the buttocks.

What are the risks of a BBL?

As with any surgery, a Brazilian butt lift also carries risks. Among the complications that can occur are: allergy to the anesthesia, infection, scarring problems, irregular appearance of the buttocks and excessive bleeding.

There is also the possibility, but very rare, that the fat is injected very deep, and as a consequence there is fat embolization; that is, the fat is passed into the blood and lodges in the heart or lungs, obstructing arteries and veins.

Be sure to find a qualified and experienced surgeon to perform this type of procedure to reduce the chances of serious complications. 

The importance of proper recovery after a BBL

The preparation for a buttock augmentation with fat injection, the procedure itself and the care during recovery are essential actions to achieve better results and reduce the risk of complications such as: bruising, swelling, infections and scarring problems among others.

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An optimal recovery process ensures better aesthetic results. Taking analgesics and/or anti-inflammatory drugs and the use of compression garments help to reduce swelling and achieve a more defined contour. As well as rest, self-care measures and a correct preparation before surgery, achieve a greater well-being for the patient.

Stages of recovery after a BBL

Phase 1: The first days

As the anesthesia wears off, it is normal to begin to feel pain and swelling. To control the pain and swelling, it will be necessary to take medication prescribed by the surgeon, which usually includes painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. 

In addition, during this first stage you should use compression garments in the areas where liposuction and buttock augmentation were performed, so that the skin remains in its new position. Additionally, these types of girdles help reduce swelling.

Regarding rest, the first night the patient should be in the clinic under medical observation. Once you go home, do not forget that rest is essential for a proper recovery, especially during the first week. 

It is also essential to have a balanced and nutritious diet, rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean proteins, which contribute to accelerate the healing process and maintain a suitable body weight.

Phase 2: The first weeks

Mobility after a Brazilian butt lift is very limited at first and strenuous activities should be avoided. The doctor will instruct the patient that he/she will not be able to sit directly on the buttocks for the next two weeks, so it will be necessary to sleep on the stomach or on the side, avoiding pressure on the treated area.

You should also be careful with the incisions, keeping them clean and dry according to the doctor's advice.

As the recovery period progresses, the person will begin to feel better and be able to move around a little more. Begin with gentle walking to improve circulation and help reduce swelling.

After two weeks, it is possible to start sitting, but not for very long periods of time; you will have to wait about two months to be able to do it normally.

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Following the surgeon's instructions is key if you expect the postoperative period to go smooth, so you will have a better chance of getting the results you expect from this procedure. In addition, attending regular medical check-ups will allow the surgeon to measure the patient's evolution and if the recovery process is going as expected.

Phase 3: Long-term recovery

After the third or fourth week, it is possible to gradually intensify the physical exercise, according to your evolution and the surgeon's recommendations. However, weight lifting and strenuous activities should be avoided.

For a better recovery, many patients opt for gentle lymphatic massages. These serve to reduce swelling in the treated area, contribute to better circulation and also prevent fluid retention.

As the weeks go by, little by little the pain and swelling will be left behind to give way to a new buttocks with more volume and a more contoured body. But, from here on, we must be clear that we cannot neglect aspects in our routine, such as good nutrition, regular exercise, good rest and avoiding habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol, which are the cornerstone for maintaining the results in the long term.

Tips for successful BBL recovery

According to the information we have given you, and how the stages of recovery go, we offer you below a list of the necessary care for the recovery process of your BBL in Madrid to be as successful as possible.

  1. Follow your surgeon's instructions to the letter during all stages of the recovery process.
  2. Get enough rest so that the body can recover faster and better.
  3. Maintain a healthy diet, full of vitamins and nutrients, and drink enough water every day.
  4. Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption. These habits delay the body's natural healing process and may increase the risk of complications.
  5. Wear compression garments as directed by the surgeon.
  6. Take the doses and at the times indicated, medications to control pain and swelling.
  7. Move carefully and avoid strenuous activities. 
  8. Keeping follow-up medical appointments.
  9. Be patient and realistic about your recovery. Remember that it is a slow and progressive process
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Pain and discomfort management

Effective methods for pain relief

The physician will prescribe analgesics and anti-inflammatory medications to manage the pain and swelling to be expected after surgery. Also, the use of compression garments play an important role in the control of these two symptoms. This can be supplemented with the placement of cold compresses for 20 minutes several times a day. 

Once cleared by the doctor, massage can be another way to deal with pain and discomfort.

When to contact your physician

After this type of procedure it is considered normal to present pain, discomfort, swelling and some bleeding. But for any other symptom, it is necessary to contact the doctor. Fever, redness in the treated area, pus or too intense pain that is not relieved by medication may be a sign of infection.

In addition, if problems with wound healing, excessive bleeding, loss of sensation, vomiting, difficulty breathing or dizziness are observed, seek medical attention immediately.

Long-term care

Maintenance of long-term results

The recovery process of a BBL is long and requires a lot of patience and effort, hence maintaining the results in the long term should be an indisputable goal in this process. We cannot forget that the results are not permanent, and that there may be changes in your buttocks in the years following the treatment

Therefore, one should start by adopting a healthy lifestyle, in which good nutrition and regular exercise are always present. 

Aspects to avoid during recovery

  1. Sitting on the buttocks for very long periods of time.
  2. Smoking and drinking alcohol.
  3. Performing activities that require too much effort.
  4. Weight lifting.
  5. Consuming ultra-processed, sugary foods or unhealthy fats.
  6. Do not expose the treated area to the sun or take immersion baths.


In the recovery process of any surgery, we must be aware that each body is different and that the recovery period of a BBL will be unique in each patient, taking into account the history of each one, the methods used in the surgery, the experience of the surgeon, and also a fundamental aspect, the postoperative care.

If you have already decided, you can click here to check the price of a BBL and remember that after the surgery you must follow the surgeon's instructions, do not exert yourself during the first weeks, avoid sitting on your buttocks and eat well, drink plenty of water and avoid habits such as smoking and drinking. This will help you go through a faster and easier BBL recovery process, and get the buttocks of your dreams.  

Dr. Miguel Fernández Calderón - Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Miguel Fernández Calderón - Plastic Surgeon

Degree in Medicine from the University of Castilla-La Mancha, with training in Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University Hospital La Paz. Member of the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (S.E.C.P.R.E).

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