What to expect from a BBL after 10 years?

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The Brazilian butt lift has become the most popular surgery to increase volume in this area. However, there are still many questions about it, especially related to the duration of the results. If you have wondered what to expect from a BBL after 10 years, read on to find out the answer.

What is BBL, and how is it performed?

The Brazilian but lift or BBL is a cosmetic surgery whose objective is to increase the volume of the buttocks and improve their shape. It is performed through a lipotransfer in which the surgeon extracts fat from areas where there is excess fat tissue, purifies it, and then injects it into the buttocks.

The procedure is under general anesthesia, and, in most cases, the surgeon removes the fat from the abdomen, thighs, and waist. Therefore, the patient will not only have a more aesthetic buttock but also a better body contour.

After six months you will have an idea of the final result, because the swelling has gone down and part of the fat has been reabsorbed. To see the definitive results, it is necessary to wait between eight and twelve months.

Long-term changes after a BBL

From the moment the surgery is completed, the changes begin to be noticed; however, the definitive results are not seen until several months later. To understand how long buttock augmentation lasts, it is necessary to know the factors that influence the results.

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How do the results evolve over time?

During the first six weeks, there will be swelling and discomfort in the treated areas. It is normal for the buttocks to look larger during this period than they will at the end of the recovery. This is because the surgeon anticipates that the body will reabsorb some fat and will therefore inject more than necessary to compensate for the result.

The body can reabsorb up to 50% of the fat injected into the buttocks.

After three months, there is no more swelling, and the body has reabsorbed some fat. In addition, the surviving cells have settled, and the results will begin to show. For a successful recovery, it is important to follow the doctor's recommendations.

Later, in about six months to a year, the final results will be seen. These changes can be long-lasting, BBL can last 10 years or more, but some factors influence long-term durability.

Factors that affects the durability of results

There are several factors that affect the durability of the results of a Brazilian Butt Lift in Madrid, first of all, how the operation was done. Although the surgery is simple, if the surgeon makes a mistake, the fat cells may not receive enough blood supply to survive.

In addition, if not enough fat is injected, there is a risk of BBL failure.

It is also crucial to follow the surgeon's instructions during recovery. If postoperative care is not adequate, you will not get the results you want.

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Fat cells may increase or decrease in size due to weight changes. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a stable weight to preserve the results of the surgery. You should lead a healthy lifestyle, with a balanced diet that includes healthy fats and exercise to tone muscles.

Finally, the natural aging process can affect the shape and volume of the buttocks.

Recommended care to maintain results

Importance of a healthy lifestyle

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential for the BBL results to last. Therefore, it is recommended that you include good habits in your routine before the surgery. So, you will get used to them, and it will be easier to continue with them after the procedure.

Practice exercises that help you tone your buttocks and maintain a stable weight. A healthy and balanced diet is also crucial. Include lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables in your diet.

Use sunscreen when you are exposed to UV rays. This will prevent the skin from losing elasticity, which can lead to premature aging. Finally, avoid alcohol and tobacco consumption.

Critical postoperative care

Care after surgery is crucial for long-term results, so it is important to follow the surgeon's instructions. Follow these recommendations:

  • Do not sit or sleep on your buttocks for at least the first three weeks. There are pillows for after a BBL that will help you stay in a comfortable position without putting pressure on the area.
  • Use the compression garment according to the doctor's instructions. The first two or three weeks you should wear it 24 hours a day, then only for 12 hours.
  • If you smoke, avoid using tobacco for the first few weeks after surgery, as doing so will reduce blood flow to the area.
  • The first five days after the BBL you should rest. Then you can do gentle walking to avoid blood clots. Avoid strenuous exercise and weight bearing until instructed by your doctor.
  • After two weeks you can return to work, but take precautions not to sit on your buttocks.
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Your surgeon will give you all the indications. Clarify all the doubts you have before the surgery.

Risks and Long-term considerations

The Brazilian butt lift is a safe surgery if it is done well and the patient complies with the postoperative period. In principle it has the same risks as any other surgery: swelling, bruising, moderate pain.

But more serious problems such as infection, fat embolism or asymmetry can occur. Choosing a surgeon who is board certified and experienced in BBL will reduce the possibility of any of these problems.

As for the duration of the results, they can last several years, even decades, if you lead a healthy lifestyle and your weight is stable. But keep in mind that aging can affect them. However, it is possible to do a touch-up to restore volume to the buttocks.

You know what to expect from a bbl after 10 years. If you have seen an expert and take the necessary care, the results of the surgery can last more than a decade. Consult the price of a BBL in our clinic if you are interested.

Dr. Miguel Fernández Calderón - Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Miguel Fernández Calderón - Plastic Surgeon

Degree in Medicine from the University of Castilla-La Mancha, with training in Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University Hospital La Paz. Member of the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (S.E.C.P.R.E).

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