What is advancement mentoplasty like?

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Surgery to change the appearance of the chin, also known as genioplasty, is an increasingly popular procedure. Thanks to this procedure you can increase or reduce the size of the chin. In this opportunity we will talk in more detail about the augmentation surgery, and for this we explain you how is the advancement mentoplasty.

 What is advancement or augmentation mentoplasty?

An advancement or augmentation mentoplasty is a type of mentoplasty, it is a surgical procedure that seeks to modify the size of the chin, to achieve a greater projection of the chin, thus giving greater definition to the face.

An augmentation mentoplasty helps to improve the contour of the chin, neck and jaw. In most cases, an augmentation mentoplasty involves the placement of an implant.

This type of surgery is not only performed for aesthetic reasons. Those who have suffered accidents or were born with a congenital problem that affects the chin area are also candidates for this type of surgery. 

Mentoplasty can be combined with other surgeries such as bichectomy Madrid Spain to achieve greater harmony in the face.

Benefits of opting for augmentation mentoplasty

The benefits of a chin augmentation can be both in the change of the physical appearance of the person, as well as in the functionality and in the psychological field of the patient.

  • One of the main aesthetic advantages of an augmentation mentoplasty is to give greater harmony to the face. The face of people who have a small chin or without projection, does not look symmetrical and balanced, and thanks to this surgery it is possible to achieve it. 
  • Also the projected chin makes the jaw line more defined and thus the profile becomes more attractive.
  • An augmentation mentoplasty helps reduce the volume of the double chin by tightening the skin in the neck and chin area.
  • When we talk about improvements in functionality, we mean that chin augmentation surgery can improve the bite or occlusion. This is because a very small chin can cause a person to be unable to close his or her mouth in an aligned manner or to have difficulty with chewing function. 
  • And finally, with chin augmentation surgery, the patient can increase their self-esteem and self-confidence when they see their new look.
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Augmentation mentoplasty procedure

The Madrid Spain advancement mentoplasty is an operation in which the patient is placed an implant, made of biocompatible silicone, to be flexible and accepted by the body. This piece is placed in the chin area in order to give definition and better contour to a sunken or small chin.

For this surgery the anesthesia can be general or local with sedation. At the beginning of the procedure the surgeon makes an incision inside the mouth or under the chin, through this cut introduces the implant, molding it to the chin bone, thus making it look more natural. At the end, sutures are placed to close the cut, and bandages are applied. 

The duration of the operation can be approximately 1 hour.

Surgical techniques used 

People who wish to augment and shape their chin also have other options, such as dermal fillers or fat grafting.

An experienced surgeon can shape the bone at the base of the chin or reposition it. With this method the doctor can change the appearance of the chin in a very personalized way.

To perform fat grafting, it is first necessary for the surgeon to perform liposuction on the patient. From this procedure he will obtain the fat that he will later use to inject into the chin. Although fat grafting to the chin is a minimally invasive technique, liposuction is.

Finally, the patient who wishes to increase the size of his chin without undergoing surgery can resort to a chin filler. Although its effects are not as long-lasting as those of surgery, dermal fillers, such as hyaluronic acid, are injected into the skin around the chin to give it more volume. This type of substance is also placed to minimize wrinkles.  

Prior consultation and planning

If you are thinking of having an augmentation mentoplasty, request a consultation with a professional with experience in this procedure, to perform the initial evaluation, and confirm if you are a candidate for this surgery. In this way you can begin to plan the process, until you achieve the face you want. If you are interested in this type of surgery you can make an appointment with us.  

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Who are candidates for augmentation mentoplasty?

Candidate evaluation

A specialized plastic surgeon is the professional indicated to perform the evaluation of a patient who wishes to undergo an augmentation mentoplasty. Through a physical examination and medical history, he/she will be able to determine if the person is a suitable candidate for this type of procedure.

The main characteristics that the physician will look for, and which may determine whether or not you are a candidate, are:

  • Having a small or receding chin that looks less projecting than the patient's lower lip, which affects overall facial harmony.
  • Having a nose with a normal size in relation to other parts of the face, but because the chin does not look projecting, then the nose looks large or disproportionate.
  • Have an asymmetrical chin.
  • Have occlusion problems that affect the bite and chewing function.

Realistic expectations

When wanting to undergo a physical change through cosmetic surgery, the person must have realistic expectations as to the results that can be achieved. This way there is a guarantee that the patient will be truly satisfied once the procedure and the recovery period are over.

At this point, the surgeon chosen plays a fundamental role, since he/she makes the medical evaluation first. And then, he can explain to the patient what to expect from the surgery. Making it clear that an augmentation mentoplasty can improve facial symmetry and harmony, but it cannot change the overall features and shape of the face.

Risks and Considerations

Although it is a safe surgery, one of the risks of advancement mentoplasty is the possibility of the implant moving.

This movement of the implant is known as extrusion, and the complication occurs when the silicone piece moves or migrates from the place where it was placed at the time of surgery.

Extrusion can become a recurrent problem that would require eventual removal of the implant.

To prevent this from happening, it is important that the surgeon correctly places and secures the piece on the lower edge of the mandible with sutures.

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Recovery and Postoperative Care

After surgery, as in any surgical procedure, the patient may feel pain and discomfort, which can be relieved by medication prescribed by the physician.

Resting time is normally one week.

Advancement mentoplasty recovery

For a proper recovery from mentoplasty you will need to follow your doctor's instructions, which may include pain medication and cold compresses to reduce pain and swelling.

The patient will have to sleep on his back and with a little elevation of the head for a couple of weeks. The first two days, due to the incision, a liquid diet will be recommended.

The swelling from the surgery can give a stretching sensation in the skin, which can last approximately 7 days. The first few days you may feel more and as the swelling goes down a little the skin will feel less tight.

One week is the approximate time in which the bandage is removed. And you may need to wear a brace while sleeping to keep the implant in place for at least a month.

In Sculpture Clinic we have surgeons specialized in mentoplasty, mastopexy in Madrid Spain, body surgery, among other specialties.

 When to do sports after advancement mentoplasty?

Although the downtime of the advancement mentoplasty is 7 to 10 days, to return to daily activities such as work, physical activity or sports will have to wait a little longer.

It is possible to resume sports or physical exertion 6 weeks after surgery, especially if it involves contact, sudden physical movements or cardiovascular exercises. However, you should wait for the doctor's instructions to be sure that the wound is healing properly.

advancement mentoplasty

How long does it take to see the results of mentoplasty?

During the first three months after surgery, the patient may feel numbness in the chin area.

After a month the swelling begins to disappear and the face starts to look better. During this period of time, the patient can already see a result very similar to the definitive one. However, it is not until after three months or even six months that the final result of the surgery can really be seen.

The results of advancement mentoplasty are long lasting. Despite the effects of aging or the passage of time, the chin implant will continue to maintain that defined and projected area.

If when you look in the mirror you do not like to see your chin sunken or very small, you may want to undergo surgery to correct it. Now that you know how is the advancement mentoplasty, this may be the answer you needed, you should only consult with a qualified professional. You can also combine this surgery with another one such as rhinoplasty in Madrid Spain.

Dr. Miguel Fernández Calderón - Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Miguel Fernández Calderón - Plastic Surgeon

Degree in Medicine from the University of Castilla-La Mancha, with training in Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University Hospital La Paz. Member of the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (S.E.C.P.R.E).

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