Care after abdominoplasty: Postoperative Care

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Putting yourself in the hands of specialists in body contouring is essential for a good result in your abdominoplasty in Madrid Spain. However, that the surgery becomes a success depends on many more factors. Among them, we highlight the care of the patient in the postoperative period. The way you behave during those weeks can make the difference. Below, we answer some common questions about the care after abdominoplasty. care after abdominoplasty.

What to expect on the day of surgery?

After an abdominoplasty it is normal for the patient to feel numb, tired and sore. From the first day of surgery it is essential to follow the indications and recommendations of the surgeon so that the postoperative period is as good as possible. The patient should rest for several days, keep calm and be patient.

Immediate postoperative care

Taking proper care after a tummy tuck is one way to ensure a successful recovery. In addition, the results are more likely to be maintained in the long term.

Pain management and medication

To begin with, rest is essential. Absolute rest at least the first and second day will help to reduce pain and swelling. At the same time, medications indicated by the specialist should be taken, which will also contribute to reduce discomfort and ailments.

Use of girdles and bandages

After the surgery, the patient will have a bandage and will have to wear a compression garment for a few weeks. This helps to reduce swelling and also to avoid the accumulation of liquids in the surgical area. The proper use of the girdles allows keeping the skin and abdominal muscles in place, so that they adapt to the new shape. 

What is the postoperative period after abdominoplasty?

Care after abdominoplasty varies according to the postoperative period in which you are.

The first week your duties are simple. You must wear a girdle 23 hours a day, taking it off for one hour for healing. The wounds are washed with soap and water and covered with band-aids. Your surgeon may recommend some sponges(foam) to place under the girdle to improve the result of the operation.

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You should not make great efforts, but you should walk around the house for a few minutes, several times a day. If you feel well, you can go out in the street, always accompanied, for short walks.

A very important task is to write down the fluid in your drains every day. This way, your doctor will be able to know when to remove them.

It is also essential to follow all the recommendations in the discharge report. You will be prescribed
medications that you should take to prevent complications such as pain, thrombosis, infection...

At the end of the first week you have to go to the clinic for the first check-up. If possible, we take the opportunity to remove the drains. Once the drains are removed, you can shower your whole body.

The next check-ups in the clinic are the 2nd and 4th week.

Throughout the first month it is crucial to reduce the tension on the abdominal scar. In bed, you should sleep on your back, with your knees and trunk bent. When you walk, do it slightly bent at the waist.

From the second month, everything becomes easier. Wear a girdle only 12 hours a day. You can and should exercise, but NO abdominal exercises. Train your arms, legs, do cardio... but calmly and without overexertion.

In the third month, you will have a new medical check-up. You will be able to lead a practically normal life. You can start doing abdominal exercises at the end of the third month. At the end of the month, it is no longer necessary to wear a girdle.

walking post abdominoplasty

How long is the rest period after abdominoplasty?

At the end of the second week, you can resume your working life, if it does not require physical effort.

At the end of the month, most of the patients can lead a practically normal life. However, it is advisable to avoid strenuous physical exertion until the 3rd postoperative month. Until then, you should not lift a lot of weight.

After about 5 weeks after an abdominoplasty, you can drive without any problem.

If you are planning to become pregnant, we recommend that you allow a minimum of 12 months to pass from the
surgery. This way, you will have given your abdominal muscles time to recover.

Long-term recovery

Recommended activities and exercises

The incorporation of physical activity after abdominoplasty should be progressive, with the respective authorization of the doctor. At the beginning you should take it easy and gradually increase the intensity and duration of the exercise sessions. 

Cardiovascular exercises such as walking are an excellent option. Swimming and yoga are two very effective exercises for strengthening the body and increasing flexibility, as well as pilates will help you strengthen your muscles. These sports should be practiced when indicated by the surgeon.

How many massages should be done after abdominoplasty?

If the evolution of the scar is adequate, we recommend starting the massages at the end of the 2nd week

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We recommend giving approximately ten massages (two or three a week). The duration of these massages is about 30 to 40 minutes. These massage sessions may last longer if the surgery was extensive.

In any case, it is important to always turn to qualified professionals to avoid bad results. At Sculpture Clinic we will recommend experienced massage therapists to optimize care after abdominoplasty.

How many days should I sleep sitting up after abdominoplasty?

The position you adopt in bed after surgery is essential to recover from abdominoplasty. You should adopt a "V" posture. This means that you should have your legs and trunk flexed. In this way, the tension of the wound is reduced, resulting in better healing.

It is best to place two pillows under the neck and one under the thighs.

We recommend maintaining this posture in bed for approximately one and a half months.

How to bathe after abdominoplasty?

We recommend that you do not shower during the first week. During this period you have to wear the girdle as long as possible, and, in addition, you have drains. This makes it very difficult for you to take a proper shower.

The first week after an abdominoplasty, it is necessary to wash in parts. With a towel to lather the body and a wet towel to wet the body, the parts of the body that are not covered by the girdle are cleaned first.

Afterwards, you can remove the girdle (maximum one hour a day) and take the opportunity to heal the wounds. It is as simple as washing them with soap and water. We recommend neutral soap and warm water.

Then dry the wounds so that they do not get wet, and cover them with bandages.

From the second week, you can take a shower. By this time, the drains have been removed, and the patient is more independent. This makes the task easier. Take advantage of the only time of the day that you can be without a girdle to take a shower. The bath should not last too long, so as not to macerate the skin.

Remember, once again, to dry wounds thoroughly after showering.

The most advisable, the first 3 postoperative weeks, is that you have a family member or
close friend to help you in this care after abdominoplasty.

Nutrition and postoperative diet

Recommended foods

A healthy and balanced diet will contribute not only to recovery, but also to maintain the results over time. Including fruits and vegetables in the daily diet provides the vitamins, minerals and fiber that the body requires. So do whole grains. 

In turn, the consumption of lean proteins helps tissues to heal and muscles to be strengthened. Drinking enough water is essential to keep the body hydrated.

What not to eat after abdominoplasty?

It is important to eat and drink properly after abdominoplasty. A good diet will provide us with the energy and nutrients necessary to heal properly. However, there are certain products that we have to eliminate from our shopping list, for a good recovery.

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Alcohol and tobacco are the first things to avoid, especially in the first postoperative month.

The food we eat should be easy to digest. If our food is too much work for the stomach, we will feel discomfort in the operated area.

Thus, we should avoid greasy foods, since they associate heavy digestions. We will also avoid those foods that produce gas (legumes, carbonated beverages...).

It is in our interest not to retain liquids in our abdomen. Therefore, we should avoid products that increase blood pressure. It is not convenient to abuse coffee. Nor should we eat foods with a lot of added salt.

Our intestinal rhythm must function properly. Therefore, we have to avoid constipating foods. For this reason (among others) we recommend avoiding industrial pastries and refined carbohydrates.

Check also the price of a mastopexy in Madrid Spain at Sculpture Clinic.

What is good for reducing swelling after abdominoplasty?

The first months after abdominoplasty, the operated area is swollen. This swelling is maximal the first 3 postoperative months. Subsequently, the swelling disappears, but slowly (until approximately the 9th month).

To reduce the swelling of the abdomen there are several solutions that you can adopt. In this way, you will get the body you want sooner.

Massages are essential to reduce fluid accumulation. However, you must receive them as indicated by your surgeon and your masseur. Massaging too intensely or too early can lead to complications.

Diet is another key aspect in the care after abdominoplasty. Avoid foods that retain fluids. Also those that make you gain too much extra weight. Eat healthy foods that will ensure a proper intestinal rhythm and health.

Exercise is also important. Your surgeon, as the weeks go by, will allow you to do more and more activities. In this way you will keep in shape and refine your silhouette.

Correct use of compression garments. The first month after surgery you should wear a girdle almost all day. It is important for the tissues to heal properly and for fluids not to accumulate.

Finally, ensure a comfortable environment in your home. Ensure adequate rest. Also ensure the presence of a family member or friend to help you. In this way, you will reduce stress, a little recognized but dangerous factor.

Tips for successful recovery

If you want to have a proper recovery, these simple tips will be very useful:

  1. Eat several meals a day. Frequency and small amounts contribute to better digestion.
  2. Remember to avoid spicy or high-fat foods, as well as very sugary drinks and foods that may cause indigestion or intolerances.
  3. Eat food prepared at home. This way you will eat healthier and have more control over what you eat.
  4. Consult with your doctor about the most appropriate diet for you or visit a nutritionist to create a personalized meal plan that suits your dietary needs.

If you take into account this care after abdominoplasty the results will be satisfactory and with minimal risks. Follow all the instructions given by the surgeon for a quick recovery without complications.

Dr. Miguel Fernández Calderón - Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Miguel Fernández Calderón - Plastic Surgeon

Degree in Medicine from the University of Castilla-La Mancha, with training in Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University Hospital La Paz. Member of the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (S.E.C.P.R.E).

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