How do I know if I have gynecomastia or if it is fat?

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Having lumpy breasts is a rather uncomfortable condition for men who suffer from it. Although at first glance it may look the same and you can't tell what the cause is. If you are going through this situation, surely you have asked yourself the following question How do I know if I have gynecomastia or if it is fat? Read on to find out the answer.

How do I know if I have gynecomastia or if it is fat?

Have you ever looked in the mirror and noticed that your breast area looks lumpy as if you had female breasts? Would you like to know if it is excess fat, perhaps caused by being overweight, or if you really suffer from gynecomastia?

As experts in gynecomastia in Madrid Spain, we will talk about 4 aspects that can help you know if what you see in your body is due to gynecomastia or if it is fat.

Note the hormonal changes

During adolescence, hormonal changes are normal. And in a large percentage of young males, it is normal to see an increase in the size of their breasts. These changes in the body will reverse themselves within a year or two.

But if you are in your 30s and 40s, and your breasts have a size that you feel is out of the ordinary. Then, you should pay attention if you have had mood swings, have felt weak or have lost your libido, it is possible that you are going through hormonal problems.

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Take a look at

A self-exam can help you define which of these two conditions you have. Touching your chest in front of a mirror will give you an idea of how it feels.

If it feels soft and flaccid, these characteristics are associated with fat deposits. On the other hand, if it feels firm, it is most likely gynecomastia.

This self-examination is performed in a manner similar to that which women perform to detect breast cancer.

In that same self-examination we just talked about, you should take the opportunity to feel if you have a lump in that area. If you find a small lump near or under the nipple, it is a sign of gynecomastia. Although that lump can also be breast cancer, the reality is that this condition is rare in men.

The difference between gynecomastia and breast cancer is not obvious, so the best thing to do if you feel something strange is to go for a medical check-up.

Sensitive points

Feel the breast for places where you feel tenderness. Gynecomastia may cause your skin to have some tenderness, especially in the area near the nipples. Fat does not produce any sensation when touched.

Check your nipples

If you are looking to find out if you have excess fat or gynecomastia, your nipples can give you signs. When talking about gynecomastia, the nipples may be swollen and stiff. Sagging is still a sign that too much fat is present.  

Discharge may also come from the male nipples. Whether you see fluid in one or both nipples, this can be a sign of gynecomastia, but it can also be a sign of breast cancer or a testosterone deficiency.

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If you notice any fluid leaking from your nipples, consult your doctor immediately.

This is a small guide that can help you understand what is happening in your body, but if you have any doubts, the best thing to do is to ask for an evaluation so that you can be seen by one of our specialists. And, after the evaluation, answer your concerns and can give you a diagnosis.

Differences between gynecomastia and fat

To understand the difference between gynecomastia and breast fat, let's first talk about both concepts. 

Gynecomastia is an excessive growth of mammary tissue and glands in men, which gives the appearance of having female breasts. For this reason, it is also known as "male breasts". 

It does not look the same in all cases. In some men only small masses of breast tissue appear around the nipples, but in others the tissue growth is much more evident and they look more like female breasts. This can be quite uncomfortable both physically and psychologically.

gynecomastia vs. fat

On the other hand, chest fat refers to the accumulation of fat deposits in the male chest area. This accumulated fat is also known as pseudogynecomastia, and is a product of obesity or excessive weight gain.

One way to know how to tell the difference between gynecomastia and fat is with a physical examination, such as the one mentioned above. On palpation, gynecomastia feels different than fat, as breast tissue feels firmer than fat. The fat of pseudogynecomastia is soft to palpation and is present throughout the pectoral area.

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Another difference between pectoral fat and gynecomastia is that gynecomastia hurts and is tender to the touch, fat does not.

The fat makes the male breast look flabbier, and the gynecomastia in the chest area looks firmer.

In patients with excess fat, a healthy diet and exercise can work to improve the condition. In contrast, for those suffering from gynecomastia they will not achieve any change, even if they acquire healthier habits.

A specialist will be the best person to recognize the difference between gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia in each patient. By performing the necessary examinations and evaluations, he/she will be able to give a diagnosis and offer the best treatment. 

There is a surgery to eliminate gynecomastia. This is usually the most recommended solution, but each patient is different, so you should wait for medical indications.

If you got here looking for the answer to how to know if I have gynecomastia or if it is fat, we think the best way is to ask for a medical consultation. Here we explain some ways to examine yourself and what signs you can find, but that will only be a guess until a specialist evaluates you and can give the correct diagnosis.

Dr. Miguel Fernández Calderón - Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Miguel Fernández Calderón - Plastic Surgeon

Degree in Medicine from the University of Castilla-La Mancha, with training in Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University Hospital La Paz. Member of the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (S.E.C.P.R.E).

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