How long does it take to recover from abdominoplasty?

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Many patients wish to undergo this surgery, because of its excellent results on the abdomen. However, you are worried about when you will be able to return to normal life after the surgery. Below, we explain the entire process of recovery of an abdominoplasty.

How long does it take to recover from abdominoplasty?

After two months, most patients lead almost normal lives. But the recovery time for abdominoplasty is variable. It depends on many factors, such as:

  • Age.
  • Health status.
  • Activity level prior to surgery.
  • Type of surgery (abdominoplasty/ abdominoplasty with liposculpture/ trunkplasty...)
  • Postoperative care of the physician and the patient.

Achieving a proper recovery from abdominoplasty is possible if you know what to do at all times. It is necessary that you go to all the revisions that are indicated by your surgeon.

Supervision by a specialist is key to success. Before surgery, he or she will tell you how many weeks of sick leave you will need. After the operation, he/she will tell you which activities you can and cannot do.

Following your surgeon's instructions is essential to avoid complications. A very accelerated recovery can cause the wounds to open up.

On the contrary, a very slow recovery can facilitate fluid accumulation (seromas) and thrombi. Adequate follow-up prevents many problems.

Week by week, how is the recovery of an abdominoplasty

  • Day 0: You spend the night in the hospital to ensure your safety and pain control. You are placed in a girdle and have two drains.
  • Day 1: You can go home (with drains) if you walk and eat properly, and if the pain is well controlled. Before leaving, we dress your wounds and reposition the girdle.
  • 1st week: You can walk around the house for a few minutes, several times a day. The girdle is worn 23 hours a day, you can take it off for an hour to see how the skin looks and to rest from the compression. If you feel well, you can go out in the street, accompanied, for short walks. At the end of this week you will have your first check-up at the clinic. If possible, we will remove the drains.
  • 2nd week: You can increase the duration of your walks. At the end of the week, you can return to work, if your work does not require physical effort. If your drains have been removed, there is no problem to shower your whole body. In the middle of this week, you have a new check-up at the clinic. If all is well, you can start your massage sessions. We also removed most of the stitches.
  • 3rd and 4th week: you start to feel better and better. It is important to continue to walk regularly. You can do activities such as stationary cycling. You continue to wear the girdle 23 hours a day. At the end of the month, most of the patients are practically living a normal life. You can begin to walk more upright, and even stretch your abdomen a little. But you can't do any strenuous physical exertion or carry a lot of weight.
  • Review on the 4th week at the clinic. If all is well, it will no longer be necessary to wear the girdle all day.
  • Second month: Most patients return to work. The girdle is worn about 12 hours a day. You can and should exercise, but NO abdominal exercises. Train arms, legs, do cardio, stretching... but calmly and without overexertion. You can drive now.
  • Third month: New medical check-up. Normal life. You can start doing sit-ups at the end of the third month, NOT before. You will say goodbye to the girdle.
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Remember that each patient is different and must be adapted to their particular situation. Recovery from abdominoplasty is not the same for everyone. These guidelines are only to guide you.
abdominoplasty recovery

How long does it take to deflate the abdomen after abdominoplasty?

During the first 3 months, the abdomen will be somewhat swollen. From the sixth-eighth month the swelling will have practically disappeared. The skin will adapt to its new contour, creating the result you expected.

When can I walk normally after abdominoplasty?

The first weeks after surgery, the abdomen should be relaxed. This avoids complications and the scar recovers as it should. Therefore, for the first 3 weeks, we recommend walking with the waist slightly bent.

From approximately the fourth week you will be able to walk completely straight.

How long does the pain of abdominoplasty last?

In the recovery of an abdominoplasty, the discomfort is usually moderate and lasts about a week.

To control the pain, we will prescribe several painkillers. As the days go by, you will need much less medication.

During the first months, it is normal to notice strange sensations or slight discomfort in the operated area, without this meaning anything dangerous.

Since the first week is the most painful, we provide you with technologies such as the pain pump. This is a device that you can carry at home for the first 5 days after surgery. This pump provides you with analgesic medication in your vein, greatly improving your well-being.

What does the body look like after abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty, in expert hands, produces spectacular results. The main advantage over other techniques is the disappearance of the hanging skin of the abdomen. Eliminating that sagging skin will give you greater mobility, less sweating and skin infections.

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Correcting rectus diastasis will strengthen your abdominal wall, creating a slimmer waist, without bulging. You will gain strength and flexibility in the abdomen, as well as better posture.

The love handles located around the waist will also be reduced, especially if we combine the abdominoplasty with liposculpture. These fantastic benefits require a lot of patience on your part, since they are not fully appreciated until the 6th-8th month.

The first two weeks it is normal to observe bruises on the body. During the whole first month, the swelling in the abdomen is considerable. This swelling may make you doubt about the final result, but it is simply a normal phase of the postoperative period.

The scars can give problems during the first days and even open up (dehiscence). During the first months they may be raised or reddened. Rest assured, after a year they will look much better.

By knowing how long it takes to recover from a tummy tuck you will understand that it is a process that requires care and with the right attention will pass without problems.

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