Tips for skin care after abdominoplasty and maintaining results 

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Abdominoplasty is a body contouring procedure performed to improve the appearance of the abdomen. During this procedure, excess skin and fat are removed and the abdominal muscles are tightened to achieve a flatter, more toned abdomen. After surgery, it is important to to take care of the skin after abdominoplasty to make sure it recovers properly and to maintain the results in the long term.

Tips for skin care after abdominoplasty and maintaining long-term results

If you recently had an abdominoplasty in Madrid Spain, or even if you are just considering this procedure, we know that your goal is to have a flat abdomen, a firm midsection and in the future you want to avoid at all costs putting at risk what you achieved with this surgery. 

So here are some tips on how to take care of your skin after abdominoplasty and maintain the results in the long term:

Follow your surgeon's instructions:

It is important to follow your surgeon's instructions to make sure your skin is healing properly. This may include things like using cold compresses or taking medication to control pain and swelling.

The postoperative period after abdominoplasty is key to ensuring long-term results.

READ What should you know before undergoing abdominoplasty?

Avoid the sun:

It is important to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun after abdominoplasty to avoid damaging the skin, especially the scar area.

Always use sunscreen with a high sun protection factor and avoid being in the sun for long periods of time.

Stay hydrated:

Drink enough water to stay hydrated and help your skin recover. It is key in the postoperative period to consume at least 8 glasses of water a day.

Do not smoke:

Smoking can affect the scarring and healing process of the skin after abdominoplasty or other surgeries such as breast lift in Madrid Spain. It is important to stop smoking before surgery and avoid tobacco smoke after surgery.

Smoking restricts blood circulation, limiting the ability to heal and keep your skin and organs healthy. 

Avoid lifting heavy objects:

Try not to lift heavy objects for a while after abdominoplasty to avoid stress on the skin and abdominal muscles.

The doctor will tell you exactly when you can do each activity, as it varies according to the extent of the procedure.

Use gentle skin care products:

Use mild, unscented skin care products during the healing process to avoid irritating the skin.

Remember that in the case of abdominoplasty you may feel discomfort and recovery takes some time. The scars may remain red, become thicker or wider, and in a year or a little more is that they will finish healing.

You may use creams to reduce scarring in the abdominoplasty incision as soon as the scars have healed and are not scabbed over. Since cream should never be applied over an open wound or scabbed skin. 

skin care cream

Exercise properly:

Exercise can help improve the appearance of your abdomen, but it is important to wait until your body is fully healed before you begin exercising again. Consult with your surgeon before beginning any exercise routine.

READ Preparing for abdominoplasty: How to optimize your health before surgery

Abdominoplasty involves a significant change in the structure of the abdominal area. Therefore, the body requires 6 to 8 weeks to adapt, heal and for the changes to be permanently established. 

Regular exercise contributes to your health and improves your lifestyle. But starting too quickly to exercise after abdominoplasty can be more harmful than positive. It's normal to want to feel better and work on your body after surgery, but getting ahead of yourself can make recovery more difficult. 

Follow a healthy diet:

A healthy, balanced diet can help maintain long-term results after abdominoplasty. Avoid excess weight and follow a diet low in fat and high in fruits, vegetables and protein.

If you need help to improve your diet, seek a nutrition specialist to guide you towards a healthy lifestyle.

At Sculpture Clinic we are specialists in body and facial surgeries, such as bichectomy Madrid Spain.

Tips for maintaining long-term abdominoplasty results

Although abdominoplasty surgery can help you achieve the body and toning you desire, it is important to work on maintaining your figure afterwards. 

Consider that abdominoplasty does not indicate that you will always be in the shape that was achieved, you have to follow the surgeon's instructions on diet and exercise to maintain your new figure. 

Some ways to maintain the figure after abdominoplasty are:

  • As we indicated before, the surgeon will tell you when it is time to start exercising. Take his or her word for it and start exercising, not only for your body, but for your health. Doing cardio, such as jogging or swimming, will go a long way in keeping you well. Plus, it helps heal your abdominal muscles. 
  • A healthy diet can make a big difference in maintaining the results of a tummy tuck. Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables, and avoid processed foods. Also, control portions to avoid weight gain. Eat lean proteins. 
  • Following your surgeon's instructions will be key to maintaining your abdominoplasty results. In some cases he/she may indicate lymphatic drainage massages, in others he/she may not.
  • Do not get pregnant: it is best to avoid having a tummy tuck until you are sure you do not want to have more children. The reason is simple, if after abdominoplasty you become pregnant it is very likely that you will lose the results of the surgery. 
  • Always go to a certified surgeon: a good surgeon ensures that you will have a well done procedure, with the best possible result. And from there the maintenance will be in your hands. 
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In general, talk to your surgeon about your goals, he/she will offer you advice on exercise, diet and nutrition.

With these tips for taking care of your skin after abdominoplasty and maintaining the results in the long term, you can ensure that this procedure will keep you looking good for years to come. Contact us for an evaluation

Dr. Miguel Fernández Calderón - Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Miguel Fernández Calderón - Plastic Surgeon

Degree in Medicine from the University of Castilla-La Mancha, with training in Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University Hospital La Paz. Member of the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (S.E.C.P.R.E).

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