Published by Dr MIguel Fernadez Calderón: 06/02/2023
Last update of this article: 12 months ago by Dr Juan Godoy
You've been looking in the mirror and you don't like the shape of your face or your profile. You see that your chin doesn't look defined or maybe it looks too pronounced. Whatever your case may be, we will tell you everything you need to know about mentoplasty. Read on to find out if this is what you were looking for to change your appearance.
What is a mentoplasty?
Mentoplasty is a cosmetic procedure whose function is to change the size of the chin. To increase the size and improve the projection, the surgeon uses an implant, but if you want to reduce the chin, the doctor must modify the bone or remove excess skin and fat in that area.
The appearance of the entire face can be affected by the way the chin looks. When the chin is long or prominent, the face looks longer; and if, on the contrary, the chin is short, the face will look rounded.
As a sign of aging, the skin in the chin area may appear sagging, causing the chin to droop and the face to look tired and aged.
In a chin surgery the patient obtains a face with better proportions and more harmonious, thanks to the correction of asymmetries. It provides greater balance with the rest of the elements that make up the face.
General anesthesia is used to perform a mentoplasty. It is a procedure that lasts approximately 45 minutes, in which a small incision is made inside the mouth or under the chin, to place the implant or to remove excess tissue.
This surgery is also known as genioplasty or chin augmentation and can be combined with other procedures such as bichectomy Madrid Spain,
Everything you need to know about mentoplasty
If you are considering this chin surgery to improve the way you look, this information will be very useful.
It is a low-risk, highly effective surgery
Mentoplasty is a low-risk and very effective surgery to achieve a more defined and proportionateface.
The patient experiences moderate postoperative pain, but very few suffer from infection or inflammation.
When implants are placed in the chin, it is very unlikely to require additional surgery to remove it because of side effects of the surgery or because it requires a replacement of the piece.
As any surgical procedure, mentoplasty requires a previous preparation, in which the patient must stop smoking and alcohol consumption, as well as some medications such as aspirin. Likewise, the patient's medical history should be analyzed to avoid setbacks during surgery.
There are more options
There are other alternatives to mentoplasty that, although effective, are not long lasting and are less invasive. For example, subdermal fillers can be applied in that area to improve the projection of the chin, or laser to tighten the skin and make the chin area look firmer.
It is also possible to perform chin augmentation by transferring fat from another part of the body, thanks to liposuction. This fat is cleaned, and then placed as a filler in the chin area.
Not just for aesthetics
Chin surgery also has reconstructive purposes. Due to accidents, injuries or malformations, the appearance of the jaw or chin area can become unbalanced with respect to the other parts of the face; and a correction can completely change the patient's life.
Can be combined with other procedures
If the patient is looking for a more radical change it can involve other areas of the face. Mentoplasty can be combined with other procedures such as rhinoplasty, bichectomy or liposuction in the neck and jowl area.
Benefits of a mentoplasty
Mentoplasty can make your chin more prominent and better projected. In addition to providing the patient with other benefits, among them:
- Chin implants improve the appearance of the jaw, since, by changing the shape and projection of the chin, the structure of the lower jaw is also improved.
- A mentoplasty will balance the face of a patient who has a prominent nose and/or a receding chin. When the implant is placed, the profile of the face will change and will look much more harmonious.
- The scar is not visible, besides being a very small incision through which the implant is introduced. The cut is made either under the chin or inside the lip, which makes it imperceptible to others.
- Implants come in different shapes and sizes, so there are many options to choose from according to the patient. So that it adapts to the needs and meets the expected results.
- Mentoplasty offers a very natural result, as long as you choose a qualified surgeon like the ones you find in mentoplasty in Madrid Spain. This evaluates the patient, offers realistic expectations and performs a good procedure during surgery.
- In a chin surgery the results are long lasting. The type of material the implants are made of allows them to attach to the existing bone and remain there for the long term.
- Improves the patient's confidence. As a result of the surgery, the person may feel more self-confident and have better self-esteem. A well projected chin can make a woman look more feminine and a man look more masculine.
Risks of mentoplasty
Despite being a minimally invasive and safe surgery, it is possible that during or after the procedure some inconvenience may occur. Although it is rare, it is better to know, some risks are:
- An infection after implant placement can be treated with medication, but there is a possibility that the body will reject the foreign body that was placed. Therefore, the patient will require a new surgery so that the doctor can remove it.
- With the passing of time, and due to the effects of aging and gravity, the implant may move out of place. And it can become located under the jaw.
Reading about everything you need to know about mentoplasty will help you discuss your concerns with your surgeon. The expert will be the one to offer you personalized information and talk to you about the best procedure for you and what results you can expect.