How much does the face change with bichectomy?

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When patients are interested in bichat ball surgery, it is normal that many doubts arise about it, because there are many myths and erroneous beliefs. Today we want to explain what it is and how much it changes the face with bichectomy and the benefits of this procedure.

What is bichectomy?

Bichectomy in Madrid Spain, a procedure to remove fat deposits in the face, called bichat balls, which have no function in the body. And so your face will have a better shape, thinner and more profiled.

Bichectomy is a surgical procedure that can sculpt and slim the face by removing the bichat balls in the cheeks. These pockets of fat are located in the lower section of the cheeks, and sometimes descend into the jawline as we age, leading to that childlike appearance.

The goal of this procedure is to remove excess "baby fat" while preserving the naturally soft appearance of the face.

Do you feel you have a very round face? Do you think your cheeks make you look less mature? Do people mistake your age because you have a childish face shape due to excess fat?

Round or chubby cheeks are genetically made that way, your overall weight has very little to do with having a round face shape or poorly defined cheeks. But that's what this quick and effective procedure was created for, which will allow you to achieve a more mature appearance and the desired face contour.

face bichectomy

Benefits of bichectomy

Bichectomy is a surgery with a purely aesthetic purpose. Therefore, its benefits are directly associated with personal appearance and the patient's perception of himself.

Improved facial appearance

Removing the Bichat balls, achieves an immediate effect on facial appearance, as the patient will get a more defined and thinner face. This is possible due to the reduction of the size of the cheeks and thus the cheekbones become more prominent, highlighting this feature.

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This surgery can even improve the symmetry of the face and define the chin.

Increased self-esteem and confidence

Those who are unhappy with the way their face looks, and more specifically those who are uncomfortable with the way their cheeks look, find in bichectomy a procedure that can restore their self-esteem and self-confidence.

Patients who change the appearance of their cheekbones, and achieve a more symmetrical and contoured face, will feel more comfortable and confident in their personal and professional relationships as well as with themselves.

How much does the face change with bichectomy?

Fat on the face is necessary to some extent, it helps maintain a youthful appearance. Too much cheek fat can make you look very baby-faced, even chubby. That baby fat usually disappears in adulthood, but if it doesn't, you have options for slimming your face.

Unwanted fat on the cheeks can make you look with a rounded face, hiding the definition of the cheekbones that makes you look much more attractive or appealing.

Faced with this problem, the solution will be Bichat ball surgery, which is recommended for patients seeking to get rid of the rounded face with a bichectomy.

The rounded face bichectomy is a simple and quick surgery, an excellent option. Besides, the incisions will be inside the mouth, so you will not have visible scars.

When in doubt about how much the face changes with bichectomy, you should know that it will make you look thinner or slimmer, with a more balanced facial appearance. You will reduce excess fat in the cheeks.

After surgery, in three weeks you should be recovered and see the first results of the bichectomy, but it could take months to see the full results. It is important to be patient and follow the postoperative period.

The change you will get in your face with this surgery will help you gain self-esteem and self-confidence. You will be able to compare the bichectomy before and after, and you will be able to see a big difference in your face.

With Bichat ball surgery, these bags are removed and the face has a slimmer, more contoured appearance. They can be removed completely or a portion, this will give balance and symmetry to the face.

In general, your face will change with bichectomy because it slims the cheek area. But if you want a complete change of the face, you will need to complement this procedure with a facelift, which will improve the jawline, neck and further refine the face.

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Bichectomy will make you look and feel more attractive, give you confidence, which can lead to a happier life. It is a simple procedure that goes a long way in improving the appearance of your face, and with it, your self-esteem.

Results and recovery after bichectomy

Will my face look sunken after a bichectomy?

There is a widespread belief that bichectomy ages people. This is because by removing excess fat the cheeks become thinner, but this depends on the individual patient.

Depending on the person's facial structure, bichectomy may cause a sunken appearance in those who do not have good bone structure, or who have very stretched skin. If this happens, it is not due to the surgery, but to the lack of prominence of the cheekbones, which are the basis of good jaw projection.

A good surgeon will analyze your bone structure first, so they can tell you if you are a good candidate for a bichectomy. In this case they may suggest other procedures to improve your facial appearance and will explain how bichectomy works vs. other procedures.

Does oral fat removal help with double chin?

Yes, bichectomy can help you eliminate the appearance of a double chin and will give you a better contour of the face, a more mature and slimmer appearance of your face.

Excess fat on the cheeks can accentuate excess fat under the chin. As it can add extra weight to your face, which blurs the jawline and can give the illusion that your cheeks are directly connected to your fat under the chin.

And if this is not enough, you could complement the bichectomy with a mentoplasty.

You can also consult with your surgeon what is the price of a rhinoplasty in Madrid Spain.

Results and recovery post-bichectomy

After a bichectomy it is normal for the patient to have a lot of swelling and mild pain, including tenderness in the cheeks. Let's review how is the recovery after this surgery.

Recovery time and postoperative care

The bichectomy is a surgery that requires a relative rest of one week, time after which the surgeon will check that everything is in order and proceed to remove the stitches. After this first week, the patient will be able to resume his or her daily activities normally.

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Although the recovery time is quick, the changes in the face really start to become visible after two to three weeks; and the definitive results after six months.

As for the necessary care during the postoperative period, we can highlight that it is required:

  • A liquid diet.
  • Speak little to avoid unnecessary effort.
  • To have an adequate oral hygiene.
  • In addition, the physician may also indicate the use of a compression bandage for 2 days.
  • The patient should avoid smoking or drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • You should not perform high intensity physical exercise until that area of the face is completely healed, in order to avoid the risks of bichectomy in the postoperative period.

Maintenance of long-term results

The results of a bichectomy are long-lasting, however, there are some factors that can affect, over time, the result obtained.

Weight changes, for example, have a direct impact on the appearance of the face, as gaining weight can make the cheekbones look fuller, and losing a lot of weight will make them look very thin. Therefore, it is important to maintain a stable weight.

Keep in mind that regular exercise helps strengthen the muscles of the face. Using sunscreen contributes to healthier skin. And smoking and drinking cause sagging skin.

When will I see the results of the bichectomy?

You already know how much the face changes with the bichectomy, but it is important to be clear that you will not see this result immediately, but when you are fully recovered.

Depending on the amount of fat removed, and according to testimonials from bichectomy patients, some of them have immediately noticed a slimmer face. But it is important that you follow all the surgeon's recommendations for the postoperative period.

Keep in mind that the Bichat balls will not grow back, the results are permanent; although there is always the possibility that fat cells remaining in the area may grow if you gain weight.

The best way to ensure that the results of this surgery are permanent is to keep your body weight stable and follow a healthy lifestyle. Exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet, consume alcohol in moderation.

At Sculpture Clinic we are specialists in facial and body surgeries such as abdominoplasty Madrid Spain.

Now that you have a better idea of how much the face changes with bichectomy, you can decide whether or not you want to opt for this procedure. Contact us for an evaluation with our expert surgeons and to find out the average price of a bichectomy.

Dr. Miguel Fernández Calderón - Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Miguel Fernández Calderón - Plastic Surgeon

Degree in Medicine from the University of Castilla-La Mancha, with training in Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University Hospital La Paz. Member of the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (S.E.C.P.R.E).

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