Differences between abdominoplasty and mini-abdominoplasty

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Both procedures are intended to remove excess skin and tighten the muscles, seeking to obtain a flatter and more defined abdomen. However, there are some differences between abdominoplasty and miniabdominoplasty that we explain below.

Before, during and after mini-abdominoplasty

Since it is a less known surgery than the traditional one, we will explain a little more about the process. What should happen before a miniabdominoplasty, during surgery and recovery.

Before undergoing any surgery, the patient should not smoke. If it is a habit, the patient should stop smoking at least a month and a half before the surgery. 

In the case of a mini-abdominoplasty, weight loss is recommended to ensure better results.

The surgery requires general anesthesia. The size of the incision and the duration of the surgery will depend on the amount of skin and fat to be removed. It may take about an hour and a half.

After the operation, you will not be able to drive or exert yourself for the first week. Therefore, we advise you to have a support person at home.

It is necessary to wear a compression garment for a month or a month and a half.

You will be able to do physical activity, such as walking, two weeks after surgery. After one month you will be able to resume your usual exercises, always with great caution.

You can massage the scar once it has healed completely. This will improve its appearance over time. 

Differences between abdominoplasty and mini-abdominoplasty

The abdominoplasty that we commonly know is called full abdominoplasty. This surgery is characterized by a large incision, along the abdominal area, which goes from one hip to the other, above the pubic area.

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Undergoing an abdominoplasty in Madrid Spain allows you to remove all the hanging skin, repair the muscles and place the navel in a new position. This procedure can even improve the appearance of stretch marks.

The result is a flat and contoured abdomen. In addition, your skin will feel smoother and firmer.

A mini-abdominoplasty involves a much shorter incision than a traditional abdominoplasty. It can measure approximately 20 centimeters. This size cut allows for the removal of a small amount of skin accumulated in the lower abdomen. And it does not touch the navel area at all.

Because the incision is shorter in length, it is not possible to make any enhancements to the muscles and sagging skin of the upper abdomen.

In summary, there are three clear differences between the two surgeries.

The first and biggest difference is the scope they have, since abdominoplasty manages to remove large amounts of fat, skin and tissues of the abdominal area, both above and below the navel. And the mini only focuses on the lower abdomen, so it has a smaller scope.

Second, the size of the scar. One is extensive and the other is smaller. This factor is a determining factor for the amount of skin and fat that can be removed.

And finally, the navel. In the complete abdominoplasty a lot of skin is cut from the abdomen, and with it the navel is removed and then placed in a new position. In the case of mini-abdominoplasty the patient's navel will not undergo any change.

This means that they are applied in different cases, depending on the characteristics of the patient.

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Before undergoing a full abdominoplasty or a miniadbominiplasty it is important to know what can and cannot be achieved with both procedures. In this way, have realistic expectations that guarantee that the patient will be satisfied with the results. 

Abdominoplasty or mini-abdominoplasty, which is indicated?

Having explained the differences between the two procedures, we could say that a mini-abdominoplasty is an alternative for those whose excess skin, separated muscles or fat deposits are located in the area below the navel.

The miniabdominoplasty is indicated for thin people, with a good body weight and good muscle tone. These only have small amounts of excess skin or seek to treat a previous scar, product of a cesarean section, for example.

In contrast, the candidate for a full abdominoplasty is the one who has a lot of excess skin, lax or separated muscles and a lot of accumulated fat. Usually the excess is caused by significant weight loss, which they have not been able to correct with diet and exercise. It can also be caused by several pregnancies that stretched the skin too much and then did not return to its place.

The recommendation as to which procedure is appropriate should be made by a professional, board-certified surgeon. He or she must first physically evaluate the patient, understand the patient's needs, and then set goals that will result in a satisfied patient.

Why a miniabdominoplasty?

If you are a candidate patient for a mini-abdominoplasty, but undergo a full abdominoplasty you will be subjecting your body to unnecessary risk. 

Abdominoplasty is a fairly invasive surgery that involves risks that, in the case of opting for a mini, are reduced by a high percentage.

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Another reason why to do a miniadbominoplasty, in case you do not need to remove so much skin and fat, is the price to pay. It does not cost the same for a complete surgery than for a mini one.

And finally, recovery is also a different process between one and the other. With a miniabdominoplasty you will recover your normal rhythm of life in a short time and you will have a smaller scar. On the other hand, with traditional surgery you will have to take more care and more rest time in the postoperative period.

Therefore, if you are considering surgery to reduce the size of your abdomen, it is best to schedule an appointment with your doctor and discuss the differences between abdominoplasty and mini-abdominoplasty. It will be the specialist, according to his experience and knowledge, who will define with which surgery the patient will obtain better results.

Dr. Miguel Fernández Calderón - Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Miguel Fernández Calderón - Plastic Surgeon

Degree in Medicine from the University of Castilla-La Mancha, with training in Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University Hospital La Paz. Member of the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (S.E.C.P.R.E).

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