What are the benefits of rhinoplasty? 

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Regardless of the reasons why a person feels the need or desire to undergo a nose job, it can provide the patient with certain advantages in various aspects of his or her life. If you have been thinking about undergoing one, but have doubts about the results you can get and how they will impact your appearance and self-esteem, read on to find out what are the benefits of rhinoplasty?.

Aesthetic benefits of rhinoplasty

After undergoing a rhinoplasty, the first thing you will notice after removing the bandages and after all swelling goes down, is a change in the physical part, which is evident to both the patient and those around him. 

This transformation is achieved due to the aesthetic benefits of a rhinoplasty, among them:

Facial harmonization

The nose is the center of the face. It is the focal point, being the most prominent element; and therefore, its shape and size have a direct impact on the overall harmony of the face. This is why patients who undergo rhinoplasty get a nose that better fits their face. 

The harmony of the face with respect to the nose is not based on achieving a nose with particular characteristics, nor similar to those of another person, but in conjunction with the rest of the parts of the face, to achieve greater symmetry and balance.

Correction of nasal deformities

A nose job can correct aesthetic problems of this part of the face, such as a dorsal hump, a drooping tip, a crooked or wide nasal bridge. Whether the origin of the deformities is genetic, from blows or accidents, or even from a previous failed rhinoplasty, this surgery can make a big difference in appearance. 

READ Rhinoplasty: What you need to know before the nose job

When deformities are corrected, the face acquires a smoother appearance and a more attractive face.

benefits of rhinoplasty

Improved facial profile

A rhinoplasty can improve a patient's facial profile in several ways. For example, reducing or increasing the size of your nose changes the way the contour of the face is perceived.

Also when the shape of the nasal dorsum is changed, a nice, slim profile is achieved. And if the nostrils look very open, reducing their size results in a narrower profile.

Customization according to the patient's needs

A qualified surgeon tailors rhinoplasty to each individual patient, greatly increasing the likelihood that the patient will be satisfied with the results, and that his or her expectations will be met. 

A personalized rhinoplasty involves a treatment plan designed for each patient, studying each case in a unique way. In this approach the patient can be involved in the process and in the decision making, in order to get the nose they want, but also the one that fits their face, according to the recommendations of the medical professional.

Correction of age-related deterioration

The passage of time also has an effect on the way the nose looks. Undergoing rhinoplasty helps to restore the youthful appearance of this part of the face. 

A patient with signs of aging, which are visible in the nose, may resort to rhinoplasty as a way to reduce skin sagging, correct the drooping tip or improve the proper functioning of this part of the body. The latter in case it is difficult to breathe or sleep due to the position of your nasal septum or sinus problems.

Functional benefits of rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty also represents an alternative to correct functional problems, for those who need more than a physical change, or for those who require both options. 

Breathing improvement

As part of our respiratory system, the nose serves an essential function; but some people have very small noses or nostrils and this makes breathing difficult. There are also those who have congenital or prolonged respiratory problems, have suffered accidents or injuries that have caused damage to the nose, and breathe in a restricted manner. 

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For all of them, the benefits of rhinoplasty make it a solution that allows them to open their airways, improving their breathing and, consequently, their overall health.

rhinoplasty allergy enhancement

Correction of deviated nasal septum

Having a deviated nasal septum can cause various conditions, such as recurrent infections in the nasal area, difficulty breathing during physical activity or sleep apnea, among others. By undergoing a septoplasty, one of the types of rhinoplasty that exist, a deviated septum can be corrected and eliminate or improve all of the aforementioned conditions.

This allows the patient to breathe easier and without obstructions. Also, by straightening the septum, sinus problems can be reduced.  

Relief of sinus problems

Sinus problems are very common, causing headaches, frequent nasal congestion, sinus pressure and inflammation. This is because the spaces behind the bones of the face are blocked, accumulating pressure; and in some cases, bacteria are also lodged and cause infections.

The causes of sinus problems can be: a deviated septum, excess tissue in the nostrils or problems with the nasal walls. The surgeon can address any of these situations, and eliminate or reduce these conditions that affect patients' daily lives, thereby improving their quality of life.

Reconstruction after injury

Fractures of the bones or cartilage of the nose are more common than we think, and as a result of these injuries the appearance of the nose is affected, but also the person may feel a lot of pain. 

With a rhinoplasty this has a solution, since the doctor will be able to put the bones or cartilage back in place and restore a balanced appearance to the face.

Psychological and confidence benefits

There are many benefits of a rhinoplasty. As we have already discussed, in addition to the aesthetic advantages that will be visible, and the functional benefits that allow you to breathe better; there is also a psychological aspect that changes and improves after a nose job. 

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Let's review how rhinoplasty, and other surgeries such as bichectomy Madrid Spain helps patients feel better about themselves and how it can change their lives.

Increased self-esteem

People who undergo nose surgery and achieve the appearance they were looking for experience an increase in confidence and self-esteem. When the patient looks at their new image, and sees that they now have a nose that looks in harmony with their other facial features, it changes their perception of themselves.  

Having a higher self-esteem can lead the patient to make positive changes in different areas of his life. After a rhinoplasty it can be noticed that their personal relationships improve, and that they are more confident in the professional and social spheres.

Improved quality of life

The combination of improved appearance and optimal respiratory function allows patients to have a better quality of life. The physical change translates into psychological benefits and confidence.

In addition, if the patient is able to breathe better, he/she will be able to do physical activity and other daily activities without any inconvenience, and will also be able to enjoy a better sleep.

Positive impact on social interactions

People who do not feel good about their appearance tend to feel insecure and anxious, because they do not like the shape of their nose, and this prevents them from relating in a healthy way within their environment. By undergoing cosmetic surgery they manage to look and feel good, thus increasing their self-confidence, which allows them to perform more confidently in the personal, work and social spheres.

All these aspects create the ideal conditions for more satisfying relationships, thanks to feeling content, happy and confident.

Conclusion: benefits of rhinoplasty beyond aesthetics

A rhinoplasty is effective for patients seeking to improve the shape and size of their nose for purely aesthetic reasons. But it is also effective for those who suffer from conditions associated with the functioning of this part of the body, and who hope to resolve them in order to have a better quality of life. Other beneficiaries are patients who need a solution for traumas or accidents that have affected their nose, either aesthetically, functionally or both.

Undergoing this type of surgery is an ideal option for those who wish to change their facial image. If we analyze the long-term benefits of a successful rhinoplasty, we will find that the patient will be more satisfied with his personal appearance, and this leads to an increase in self-esteem and confidence. However, it is important to keep in mind that although it is a safe and effective procedure, it is important to have realistic expectations and to look for a trained and certified professional to ensure favorable results.

Dr. Miguel Fernández Calderón - Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Miguel Fernández Calderón - Plastic Surgeon

Degree in Medicine from the University of Castilla-La Mancha, with training in Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University Hospital La Paz. Member of the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (S.E.C.P.R.E).

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