How can gynecomastia be removed?

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One of the main reasons for consultation in men is gynecomastia. It is the main mammary pathology in men, and it is a complex for many. Fortunately, it has a simple and definitive solution, gynecomastia can be eliminated. We are specialists in gynecomastia surgery in Madrid Spain. We work daily with male patients to sculpt their chests in a slender and masculine way.

Why do I have gynecomastia?

Although they are much smaller than those of women, men also have mammary glands. When they increase in an exaggerated way, gynecomastia occurs.

There are many possible causes of excessive breast development. But all of them are due to hormonal imbalance.

Therefore, gynecomastia is more frequent at puberty, when the child is evolving towards adulthood. Similarly, it is also common for it to appear around the age of 50. At this age there is a decrease in testosterone. This hormonal problem can favor breast development.

These two situations, adolescent and mature gynecomastia (also known as andropause) are the most common. Adolescent gynecomastia, fortunately, usually disappears spontaneously in many cases.

There are other less frequent causes. Sometimes, the intake of drugs (marijuana) or pharmaceuticals (steroids) can enhance breast development. Exceptionally, some hormone-secreting tumors (testicular, for example) cause gynecomastia.

However, we emphasize that these situations are very rare. Most often, breast augmentation is due to a hormonal imbalance, typical of age.

How do you know if it is fat or gynecomastia?

Distinguishing between fat and gland is possible, because they are tissues with different hardness. True gynecomastia is produced by an excess of gland, not fat. Therefore, if you have gynecomastia, it is likely that you yourself notice, under your areola, a lump of hard consistency.

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If you have gained weight and what you have is fat in your breasts, you will feel them "soft". This is known
as "false gynecomastia" or "pseudogynecomastia".

Many times the diagnosis is not easy because there is both fat and gland growth. Therefore, it is best to request an assessment with a doctor specializing in gynecomastia surgery. A plastic surgeon with sufficient experience can detect your problem and find a solution.

If in doubt, your surgeon may request an imaging test. The most common is ultrasound. It is a simple, inexpensive and painless test.

While gynecomastia is a common concern in men, sagging breasts are a common concern in women, which can be corrected with a mastopexy in Madrid Spain.

Can gynecomastia be removed without surgery?

In adolescents, there is a certain percentage of gynecomastia that disappear with time. Since they are caused by hormonal disorders, the problem disappears when puberty ends, because the endocrinological balance is restored.

This is not to say that all adolescent gynecomastia go away spontaneously. Nothing could be further from the truth. We do not want to, nor should we, offer you false hopes. We only want to indicate that there are some "temporary gynecomastia".

Some types of gynecomastia may respond to medical treatment. This means that with pills, they can disappear. Or, at least, the size of the breasts can be reduced. Since gynecomastia is caused by an excess of female hormones, treatment consists of blocking these hormones.

The treatment is with a medication called tamoxifen. It must be prolonged over time for several years.

Complete disappearance of gynecomastia may even occur in more than 50% of cases. However, there is a possibility of recurrence after stopping the medication.

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In addition, it has no effect when gynecomastia has been established for months. The advantage of tamoxifen is that it can slow breast growth, and decrease discomfort.

Gynecomastia surgery is the best option when, after months of evolution, gynecomastia has not disappeared. It is the definitive remedy for established glandular nodules in the breast.

In summary, one should not rush into gynecomastia surgery as it is detected in a young man. The wisest thing to do is to wait 1 or 2 years to see if it is temporary or not. In that time, treatment with tamoxifen may be an alternative.

If, after some time, the nodules remain, this surgery for men is the only solution.

What is the best way to eliminate gynecomastia?

In recent decades, plastic surgery has evolved to offer the best possible results. Techniques are becoming less painful, and safer. Gynecomastia surgery is no exception to this trend. Today there are numerous techniques to correct this condition.

Before choosing one of them, your surgeon must explore your breast. To make a decision about
the surgical technique, he or she will evaluate several aspects of your breast: excess skin, excess fat, and
sagging (ptosis) of the nipple.

The simplest scenario is in breasts with little excess skin, delimited nodules, and a well positioned nipple. In this case, the surgery will be based on making a scar in the lower half of the areola. Through this scar, the gland will be removed.

In breasts with moderate excess skin and a slightly sagging nipple, it is necessary to reposition the nipple. Gynecomastia surgery will be performed through a circumferential incision. The scar will be around your entire areola. In this way the nipple will adopt an aesthetically acceptable position, and the excess skin will be removed.

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In breasts with a lot of excess skin, and with the nipple well below normal, more extensive scars are necessary. Inverted T-scars may be necessary. This involves a horizontal scar, a vertical scar, and a circular scar around the areola. Or a horizontal scar and a nipple graft may be required.

However, gynecomastia surgery with extensive scarring is exceptional. The most common are small scars on the areola.

In addition, in those cases where there is fat around the breast, the surgery can be accompanied by liposuction. This procedure allows us to sculpt the chest to achieve the most masculine shape possible. It also facilitates the complete removal of the gland.

Can I get gynecomastia again after surgery?

Yes, but it is very unlikely. Gynecomastia surgery usually solves the problem in the vast majority of situations.

After surgery, it is possible that if you gain a lot of weight, the size of your breasts may increase. In this case, your doctor should examine you. In case it is only due to fat gain, the solution will be easy: Lose weight.

You should know that it is impossible to completely remove all the glandular tissue. There will always be some left over. In some, fortunately rare, situations, the glandular remnants may grow too much. You would then notice gynecomastia again. This is a very rare occurrence. It usually occurs in people who take anabolic agents, such as steroids.

Which surgeon is the best for gynecomastia?

There are different types of gynecomastia, and each patient is different and unique. That is why it is so important to know all the surgical techniques and to use the most advisable one.

At Sculpture Clinic we have a team of specialists in gynecomastia surgery. We perform this type of surgery on a weekly basis, so we have a great experience. In addition, we have the most advanced liposuction and skin tightening technology to provide you with a spectacular result.

In our consultation we will examine your problem, and we will make a treatment plan according to your needs. If your goal is an excellent result in your surgery to remove gynecomastia, request an assessment with our team.

Dr. Miguel Fernández Calderón - Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Miguel Fernández Calderón - Plastic Surgeon

Degree in Medicine from the University of Castilla-La Mancha, with training in Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University Hospital La Paz. Member of the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (S.E.C.P.R.E).

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