What is ultrasonic rhinoplasty?

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Improving the appearance of the nose is the desire of many, and thanks to new technological advances, traditional rhinoplasty is no longer the only option to achieve a new nose. With the use of ultrasound waves it is possible to achieve better results. Read on to learn what ultrasonic rhinoplasty is and more details about this procedure.

What is ultrasonic rhinoplasty?

Ultrasonic rhinoplasty is an evolution of traditional rhinoplasty, using more advanced techniques. It uses high-frequency ultrasonic waves to cut and reshape the bone and cartilage, thus achieving a more precise surgery. This offers better results and reduces the possibility of damage to nerves or blood vessels.

It is one of the plastic surgeries performed on the face, which seeks to reshape the nose, in order to correct nasal deformities, either for aesthetic or functional reasons. 

How is ultrasonic rhinoplasty performed?

Ultrasonic technology in cosmetic surgery

Ultrasonic technology is a tool that is increasingly being applied within the field of cosmetic surgery, thanks to the many advantages it offers and which converts traditional procedures into more precise surgeries, reducing the risks of damage to surrounding tissues, bleeding and hematomas. 

In addition, the application of this type of alternative allows patients to recover more quickly and with results that make them look more natural.    

The process step by step

To begin the surgery, the doctor must administer anesthesia, which will depend on different factors specific to each patient. However, in most cases general anesthesia is used, so that the patient can remain asleep throughout the surgery. 

After this, the cut is made at the base of the nose. The skin is carefully lifted, exposing the exposed bones, and it is time to start the nose reshaping.

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Reshaping the bone and cartilage during ultrasonic surgery requires the use of a specialized instrument that emits ultrasonic waves, with which the bone can be polished, sculpted, reshaped or milled in a very precise manner without causing damage to the surrounding tissues. Once this step is completed, the surgeon will proceed to adjust and reposition the nasal tissues, and then close the incisions with stitches or staples.

Benefits of ultrasonic rhinoplasty

Ultrasound rhinoplasty techniques offer patients a faster recovery, with less pain and discomfort, and they will be able to return to their normal routine soon, thanks to the fact that it is a less invasive procedure. 

Also, the results will be more effective, with smaller scars.

Advantages over traditional rhinoplasty

In traditional rhinoplasty, tools such as scrapers, chisels and hammers are used to reshape bones and cartilage of the nose. As a result, the bones may become chipped or fractured or may cause additional trauma such as swelling, bruising or scarring. On the other hand, ultrasonic rhinoplasty with the use of piezoelectric tools, to achieve a more precise result, avoids injury to the white tissues or fractures or splintering.

Other advantages of ultrasonic rhinoplasty compared to traditional rhinoplasty are the reduction of recovery times, since it does not cause significant trauma. Also with this surgery, results are achieved that look more natural, and also are maintained in the long term.

Results and recovery

The results obtained by undergoing an ultrasonic rhinoplasty are effective and serve to correct deformities in the nose, which may have congenital causes or may have been caused by injuries or accidents.

This surgery can also correct obstructions in the nose, or aesthetic defects. Although the results are visible almost immediately, swelling and bruising may remain for a few weeks, or even 6 to 12 months. 

As already mentioned, recovery is a faster process, which can last between one or two weeks, and after that the patient can resume their daily activities, avoiding efforts and demanding physical activity. Also, at this stage it is important to remember to follow the surgeon's instructions, take the indicated medications that will have an effect in reducing pain and inflammation, without forgetting that a nose protector or splint should be used.

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An essential part of the recovery process of an ultrasonic rhinoplasty is to attend follow-up appointments scheduled by the doctor to check the evolution of the surgery, according to expectations

Ideal Candidates for Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty

Patient evaluation

The surgeon in an initial consultation will review the patient's history to ensure that he or she is over 18 years of age and will perform an evaluation of the patient to ensure that his or her general health is optimal. 

It is also essential that the patient does not smoke, since this condition affects the person's recovery. Smokers may have longer postoperative periods and in more serious cases, the risk of complications increases. 

In addition to this, it is important to know that the ideal candidate for an ultrasonic rhinoplasty is one who needs the nasal bone to be sculpted with a lot of pressure, for those who have a dorsal hump or who require smoothing out certain irregularities in the bone that forms the bridge of the nose.

Expectations and realities

In addition to all these physical aspects, a suitable candidate is one who has realistic expectations as to the results that this type of surgery can offer them. They should also be aware that, although the surgery is less invasive, there will still be some bruising and swelling, and it requires a period of recovery.

Risks and considerations

Possible complications

As with any surgical procedure, ultrasonic rhinoplasty also carries risks and complications. Some of the possible inconveniences that the patient may have are:

  • Infections. They can become evident with the reddening of the skin of the operated area, as well as the appearance of inflammation, pain and secretions.
  • Bleeding. In some cases there may be slight bleeding that does not represent a high risk and that with medication it is possible to improve. However, if it is heavy bleeding, you should consult your doctor immediately.
  • Breathing problems. Due to the swelling in the area, some patients may have moderate breathing problems, but if you have a more severe condition, do not hesitate to talk to your doctor as soon as possible.
  • Undesired results. There is a possibility, although low, that the results will not be as expected and that the nose will be asymmetrical, of the undesired size, either too large or too small.
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How to choose a suitable surgeon

The key is to look for a qualified, certified and experienced professional in rhinoplasty Madrid Spain, since it is a delicate and important surgery for the harmony of the face and to improve your appearance.

Choosing a good surgeon ensures that you can get the best possible result. In addition, it is important to find out about the techniques he/she uses and what the experience of previous patients has been like.

You can contact us and ask for an evaluation to see if you are a candidate for an ultrasonic rhinoplasty, we are specialists in cosmetic surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions about Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty

Common questions from patients

In the initial consultation with the surgeon, there are certain questions that cannot be overlooked, as they allow you to learn more about the surgeon, the procedure itself, the recovery, and the risks and complications. Some of these questions are:

  1. What experience, training and techniques does the surgeon use when performing ultrasonic rhinoplasty?
  2. What type of anesthesia do you generally use, and which would you recommend in your particular case?
  3. What will be the duration of the surgery?
  4. How much recovery time in the hospital will you need, and how long will the recovery be at home?
  5. What are the possible risks and complications of the procedure?
  6. What results can be expected?

Dispelling myths and doubts

One of the main myths that may surround ultrasonic rhinoplasty is the level of pain it can produce. Some may believe that it is a painless procedure, but it does produce pain, only it is less than that of a traditional rhinoplasty.  

Some also think that this type of procedure may carry less risk, but the reality is that as a surgery it has the same risks of infection, swelling and bleeding as any other. There are those who mistakenly believe that an ultrasonic rhinoplasty can correct respiratory problems, but what it is possible to achieve is to improve nasal function, but in cases of respiratory problems it is better to consult a specialist.


Undoubtedly, ultrasonic rhinoplasty offers advantages such as precision in the results, it is less aggressive, you will feel less discomfort in the postoperative period and a faster recovery. Therefore, it is presented as an ideal alternative to obtain a symmetrical, profiled and personalized nose. Just remember that before making the decision, you must first choose a good surgeon, like our specialists, ask for a consultation to confirm that you are a candidate for this type of procedure and that your expectations are realistic.

Dr. Miguel Fernández Calderón - Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Miguel Fernández Calderón - Plastic Surgeon

Degree in Medicine from the University of Castilla-La Mancha, with training in Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University Hospital La Paz. Member of the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (S.E.C.P.R.E).

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