What to expect from a BBL after 10 years?

What to expect from a bbl after 10 years

The Brazilian butt lift has become the most popular surgery to increase volume in this area. However, there are still many doubts about it, especially related to the duration of the results. If you've been wondering what to expect from a bbl after 10 years, read on to learn the [...]

How much does a BBL cost?

how much does a BBL cost

The Brazilian butt lift (BBL) is a surgery that allows you to improve the contour of the buttocks, in Sculpture Clinic we are experts in this type of surgery. That's why we want to talk to you about how much a BBL costs, read on to learn more!

What are Neuromodulators and how do they work in facial aesthetics?

What are Neuromodulators and How do they work in Facial Aesthetics?

Finding treatment options to look good is one of the primary objectives of aesthetic medicine, but it is increasingly common to seek solutions that do not involve entering an operating room. In the case of wrinkles or expression lines there is a very effective option, neuromodulators, but what are neuromodulators?

What is advancement mentoplasty like?

How is the advancement mentoplasty

Surgery to change the appearance of the chin, also known as genioplasty, is an increasingly popular procedure. Thanks to this procedure you can increase or reduce the size of the chin. In this opportunity we will talk in more detail about augmentation surgery, and for this we will explain how is the advancement mentoplasty.

Can abdominoplasty be performed when overweight?

Can an abdominoplasty be performed when overweight?

If you want to improve the appearance of your abdomen, you have probably been interested in abdominoplasty. You probably want to know if you can have a tummy tuck if you are overweight. It repairs the abdominal musculature and eliminates skin flaccidity. Unfortunately, not everyone can undergo this procedure. For an attractive result, at the same time that [...]

What is ultrasonic rhinoplasty?

What is ultrasonic rhinoplasty

Improving the appearance of the nose is the desire of many, and thanks to new technological advances, traditional rhinoplasty is no longer the only option to achieve a new nose. With the use of ultrasound waves it is possible to achieve better results. Read on to find out what rhinoplasty is [...]

Post rhinoplasty recovery: what you need to know

Post Rhinoplasty Recovery What You Need To Know

Understanding what to do after the surgery allows you to have a clearer vision of the postoperative period of this type of surgery. Those who undergo this aesthetic procedure should know how it evolves during the rest time, what to expect and what are the cares that must be taken to achieve the expected result. [...]

Essential tips for a successful mastopexy postoperative course

successful mastopexy postoperative period

A surgery to firm and improve the shape of the breasts is desired by many women who have suffered the effects that age, pregnancy or weight gain leave on this area of the body. However, as in any surgical procedure, it is necessary to plan the care before and after the surgery [...]

Mastopexy: a complete guide to understanding the procedure


Breast sagging is a common problem in women that occurs due to several factors. Among them we can mention age, pregnancy, breastfeeding, genetics, among others. Mastopexy is presented as a solution to lift the breasts and make them firmer. Here is a complete guide to understand the procedure.

What are the types of rhinoplasty?

What are the types of rhinoplasty?

Those who have nose problems that make breathing difficult or are looking to improve their aesthetic appearance see surgery as a solution. However, it is important to know what are the types of rhinoplasty to understand the alternatives that each one has. Below, we explain each one of them.

What should you know before undergoing abdominoplasty?

What you should know before undergoing abdominoplasty

Sudden weight loss and multiple pregnancies can leave skin sagging and flabby. And it is not always possible to correct this problem through dieting or exercise. Surgery then becomes the most viable option, so we explain what you should know before undergoing a tummy tuck.