At what age can Otoplasty be performed?

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Otoplasty is a cosmetic surgery performed to correct prominent ears or other deformities. In this post, we will talk about the at what age can be done otoplastyDo you want to know more, keep reading!


Improve the appearance of your ears

Being unhappy with the appearance of our ears is a fairly common problem in many patients. Some people have ears that stick out more than necessary, are asymmetrical or have what is known as "protruding ears" or "protruding ears".

Fortunately, thanks to otoplasty surgery in Madrid Spain, also called ear reshaping surgery, we can modify or correct the ear achieving a natural and harmonious appearance.

This cosmetic surgery is very popular among adults and children. It is very common for children to be teased by their peers, sometimes for a lifetime; and adults go to great lengths to hide their imperfect ears with hair, caps or hats.

Most people who undergo cosmetic ear surgery are children between the ages of six and fourteen. It helps children feel better about their ears and reduces teasing and embarrassment. 

This cosmetic surgery procedure can greatly improve a person's appearance and self-confidence, a fundamental factor in childhood and adolescence, where the perception of personal image is developed. This has a medium and long term impact on the self-esteem of the future adult.

At Sculpture Clinic we offer you the best otoplasty service, thanks to our specialist in maxillofacial surgery, Dr. Estefania Alonso. She will study your case or that of your child and will put her experience at your disposal so that you get the best result.

What is otoplasty or ear surgery?

Otoplasty or ear surgery is an effective treatment to correct especially those ears that have detached from the head, giving them the shape and size we want.

The intervention consists of a cut in the back of the ear at its junction with the skull, through which the cartilage of the ear is reshaped and its depth and size is reduced.through which the cartilage of the ear is reshaped and the depth and size of the ear is reduced. There is also the option of a mini otoplasty.

READ Pros and cons of performing rhinoplasty and otoplasty at the same time.

It is a very simple surgery that lasts between 30 and 45 minutes.The results are very defined and natural, giving confidence and security to patients. For this reason, if you experience confidence and self-esteem problems due to your ears, we recommend this surgery without any doubt.

During the procedure, the patient feels absolutely no pain at all.. In children, otoplasty is usually performed under general anesthesia, while in adults it is usually performed under local anesthesia alone or with light sedation.

The patient will not be will not be definitively discharged until one year after the operation.. During this period, the maxillofacial surgeon will perform periodic controls and treatments to ensure that the evolution is as expected. It is important to follow the medical recommendations to ensure the best result and avoid unwanted complications.

Otoplasty can be combined with other surgeries such as rhinoplasty. Dr Miguel is the best rhinoplasty surgeon, consult the possibility of doing both treatments at the same time.

What is the minimum age for otoplasty in children?

This procedure is the only one within plastic and maxillofacial surgery that is performed on children or directly on minors. In fact, experts recommend it to avoid possible teasing at school, since children at this age tend to be quite cruel and this can affect self-esteem and confidence in personal image.

Unlike other treatments, undergoing an otoplasty does not require a report from the pediatrician, so having the desire to modify the size or position of your ears, will be sufficient reason to undergo surgery.

When the child is six years old, the pinna has already formed with all its folds, and it is then when the defect can be assessed in order to proceed with surgery.

Around this age, approximately, is when children begin to pay attention to physical issues such as this and may hear annoying comments from others.

This can affect their school performance indirectly and their well-being and happiness directly. At this age, the child will be able both to understand the operation and to cooperate during the postoperative period.

Obviously, ear surgery can be performed on any person of legal age, but it is usually done when the person is between six and fourteen years old, precisely because it is at this time when it is most difficult and at the same time crucial to develop a good personal perception and self-esteem.

READ Pros and cons of performing rhinoplasty and otoplasty at the same time.

It is important to intervene early if a child is suspected of having an ear problem. However, it is a very frequent surgery also for adults who want to improve their appearance and bring harmony to their face.

As we have already mentioned above, this type of intervention is ideal to avoid teasing in the case of children. Therefore, the recommended time for otoplasty surgery in children is as early as possible.

This does not mean that it is not a very suitable surgery for adults who have problems with the appearance of their ears, as it can help them resolve issues of self-esteem and confidence.

It is important to clarify that the child who is going to undergo the operation must want to do it and give his consent, and in no case is it advisable to insist that the child undergo the operation if he does not want it. It is essential to understand how the child feels and to let him/her know that he/she can fix the problem if he/she wishes to do so.

Ultimately, the more determined and motivated the patient is, the better he or she will cooperate and the more satisfied he or she will be with the results.

Benefits of otoplasty

Those who undergo ear surgery can enjoy benefits related to appearance and mental health.

Improved self-esteem

For those who feel embarrassed or self-conscious about the way their ears look, an otoplasty can help them feel better about themselves, as well as project more confidence and security to others. This will be reflected in the way the patient behaves in his environment; for example, a child at school will feel more accepted and his self-esteem will improve, or a woman who no longer needs to wear her hair long and loose to hide behind her ears.

Correction of congenital deformities

Congenital ear deformities range from mild to severe, and are present from birth. And for those who suffer from this condition since childhood, an otoplasty means an effective and safe solution; which also will last in time, since the results are maintained for life.

Aesthetic and functional benefits

The aesthetic benefit of an otoplasty is based on changing the appearance of the ears, seeking greater harmony and proportionality with respect to the other parts of the face, so that the patient gets a symmetrical and visually pleasing appearance. In addition, ear surgery does not leave visible scars and as a result a natural image is obtained.

READ Pros and cons of performing rhinoplasty and otoplasty at the same time.

On the other hand, an otoplasty can also help correct functional problems of the ears that affect hearing, such as protruding ears, which obstruct the ear canal.

Although the results of otoplasty one year later are clearly visible. 

Risks and complications

When we talk about otoplasty risks and complications, we must say that in general it is a very safe procedure. But like all cosmetic surgery it carries some potential dangers, which are diminished by choosing a clinic and a specialized surgeon. Among them we will mention:

  • Possible side effects. Some of these effects may be an allergic reaction to the medical material such as adhesive tapes or sutures.
  • Problems with incisions and healing. If you do not follow the postoperative care and instructions of the surgeon, the incisions may not heal properly. It is also possible for keloids to form if the patient has a history of healing problems.
  • Recovery time. It can be affected by not healing wounds well, and this would delay the healing process.
  • Unsatisfactory results, this may be because the surgeon may remove the wrong amount of cartilage or the ear may be left with the upper part and lobe protruding more than the central part. This can be avoided by choosing a good specialized surgeon.
  • Infection in the skin or cartilage, which may occur during or after surgery.
  • Risks associated with the application with anesthesia, which can be mild such as confusion and stunning; or serious such as lung infections or strokes.

You already know at what age otoplasty can be done, this cosmetic surgery is the only one recommended for children, although they must always agree and understand about the process. It is a decision that can be made as a family with the surgeon.

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