
Feel more feminine than ever with a firm, flat and natural abdomen.

Join the more than 400 people who trust the S-CULPTURE TECHNIQUE method every year. Book your free abdominoplasty consultation in Madrid Spain* now and receive a complete body assessment with a fully personalized treatment plan.


Dr. Andrés Rivera

It's not only up to you

Your friends always tell you the same thing, don't they? When you tell them how difficult it is to have a smooth abdomen: that if you should eat better, that if you do not go enough if you do not go enough to the gym?

How angry it is!

The reality is that you don't have to be doing things wrong. Your genetics, hormones, stress... any reason is good enough for that excess fat or skin to resist going away. Even pregnancy can leave you with a flabby belly and weakened muscles no matter how much diet and exercise you do.

What can I do then?

The first thing: stop getting frustrated. Second: trust a cosmetic surgeon with demonstrable experience in abdominoplasty.


Dr. Juan Godoy

Feeling good is also healthy

But how can I get into such an operation on a whim?

You only have to browse the social networks to discover that this surgery changes people's lives, so it is not so much a "whim". You will also see that everyone in your situation is concerned about the same thing: the postoperative period and the results.

Will it hurt? When will I look good? How long will my flat belly last?

Then the big question:

Where can I find a surgeon I can trust?

Dr. Miguel Fernández Calderón

Your well-being is my priority. Achieving your best version of yourself is my goal.

We have plastic surgeons specialized in body contouring techniques and members of the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (SECPRE).

Every year more than 400 people come to Sculpture Clinic willing to turn their lives around. For this we have the latest technologies in the field of abdominal surgery (Lipo Vaser, BodyTite, Renuvion...), which allow us to offer the highest naturalness in the results and the best recovery.

We believe that true freedom is feeling good about yourself. That is why we are strongly committed to the well-being of each of our patients. How? Through a totally personalized and transparent treatment and a postoperative follow-up based on closeness and humane treatment.


Okay, but what do they think?

"A close and professional team to meet the aesthetic needs of patients. Good advice, demonstrating that they know what they do and that gives a lot of confidence dealing with something as important as health."

María José Pérez Bravo.

"Excellent surgery and excellent results in only 3 months...happy and surprised with the results."

Ana Ruiz Molina.

"There is no better doctor, professionalism and an excellent team that provides you with all the information you need. The results are unbeatable and both Dr Fernandez Calderon and his entire team there are no more professional, no doubt I would go through his clinic a thousand times !!!!!! "

Diana Divina.


Your anatomy sets the rules

Our 3 values: honesty, accuracy and closeness

We understand that you may be concerned about the procedure. For this reason, and taking advantage of our experience and the latest technological advances, we have created the exclusive S-CULPTURE TECHNIQUE working method.

Shall we take the first step?

For us it would be a real pleasure for you to start at Sculpture Clinic this adventure that will lead you to feel 100% at ease with your abdomen.

Just book your free abdominoplasty consultation now for a complete body study and your personalized treatment plan.

You have the possibility to make a virtual appointment and receive a no-obligation assessment by video call. It's that simple!


Can you imagine achieving results like theirs?

Request your free appointment

We are convinced that you, like these women, will be able to look proud and stop hearing your friends say that "you lack more gym".

What happens if you click?

1. We make your appointment

You will have to fill in a form with your details to book your free consultation. They will call you promptly to arrange a face-to-face or virtual appointment with our specialist doctors.

2. You receive your study

During its development our doctors will make a comprehensive assessment of your anatomy and your needs. We will inform you about everything and solve your doubts.

3. We give you a quotation

We will recommend the best for you and give you a personalized quote with no obligation.

4. We date your surgery

When you are ready, we will set a date for the operation and tell you how to prepare yourself in the days leading up to it, we will always take you by the hand!

Do you have any doubts?

 Abdominoplasty is especially recommended for:

  • People with excess skin, fat or flaccidity in the abdominal area and who have not been able to correct it with diet and exercise.
  • People who have lost a lot of weight and have sagging skin.
  • Women who have had one or more pregnancies and have excess skin and fat with stretch marks and significant rectus diastasis.


Both men and women in good health can undergo surgery.

Having a protruding, rounded abdomen is a common problem, particularly in slim, athletic women who have had a baby. In these cases a partial abdominoplasty or mini-abdominoplasty is recommended. This is a much simpler procedure than the traditional abdominoplasty in which only a smaller incision is required and the abdominal wall is repaired.

In such cases, liposuction may be more convenient. Although it is common for us to perform this surgery in conjunction with abdominoplasty, abdominoplasty may or may not completely solve the problem. Only a complete and personalized body study can answer this question.

First of all, congratulations! Often, people who suffered from obesity and have drastically reduced their weight maintain a "residue" of skin and fat in the stomach. This can be corrected by an abdominoplasty, as it is a procedure that not only removes the excess skin from the abdomen, but also the skin located on the sides of the waist and even the lower back.

In reality, it is not an operation whose purpose is to make the patient lose weight, but to remove excess fat and dermal fat. Therefore, the results will vary according to your anatomical characteristics, since the proportions of the abdomen and the rest of the body must be maintained. The total weight loss will then depend on the amount of skin and fat that is removed.

Regardless of this, with this surgery you will achieve a slimmer body and a firm, flat and natural abdomen.

You will first be admitted to the hospital for a day or two after the operation so that we can provide you with all the necessary care and medications. Then we will discharge you and you can go home with a drain in place. You should be about 10 days of relative rest with painkillers, but in about 5-6 days you will be scheduled for a review in which we will also remove the drains.

Throughout the first month you will have to wear a compressive abdominal belt continuously to promote recovery. After this time you will be able to progressively resume your usual physical activity, although with care, since the swelling of the abdomen will continue for about 3-4 months. By then we will perform another revision and probably the results will be definitive. However, you will have to continue taking care of your scar for up to a year and follow a healthy lifestyle.

Throughout the recovery process you will go through periods of increased swelling that disappear on their own and stages in which the abdomen looks flatter. Little by little you will have less and less days of swelling and the definitive results will appear gradually after at least 2 months.

Whenever possible, in obese patients, prior weight loss is recommended through nutritional and sports control supported by specialists. If weight loss is not achieved and a large abdomen is present, then surgery may be indicated. In this case, it is advisable to prepare the abdominal wall a few days before surgery by performing breathing exercises.

During pregnancy the abdominal muscles separate to allow the baby to grow, a condition that often continues after delivery. This is known as abdominal diastasis, which makes it impossible to keep the abdomen firm with exercise, diet or other non-surgical means. Abdominoplasty is often recommended in these situations, as it rejoins the rectus abdominis in order to restore its strength and firmness.

Yes, it is possible, but it is very likely that you will lose part of the results of the surgery. That is why it is always advisable to have as many children as you wish before having surgery. Ideally you should consult with a specialist during gestation to control you properly and avoid excessive weight gain.

Dress as you have always wanted

Book your free abdominoplasty consultation with our specialist doctors now and get ready to achieve the abdomen you deserve.

Happy patients with their body changes!