Everything you need to know about tuberous breast correction surgery

correct tuberous breasts

Tuberous breasts is a malformation of the breasts that causes them to have a tubular shape. This deformity is an aesthetic problem that undermines the safety of women who suffer from it. The good news is that it can be corrected by surgery. Here we tell you everything you need to know about the corrective procedure.

 Breast augmentation: Options and care

breast augmentation

The most demanded surgery among women is mammoplasty. Millions of women around the world undergo surgery to have larger and firmer breasts. If you are interested in this type of procedure, it is essential to know as much information as possible before going to the operating room. With this in mind, below you will find [...].

Mastopexy or breast augmentation: which is better for you?

Mastopexy or breast augmentation

You want to improve the appearance of your breasts, but you are not sure which is the best surgery for you, mastopexy or breast augmentation. Today we are going to clarify what these two procedures are about and what you should take into account when choosing between them. Get to know the details of each one in order to take [...]

Can I have breast augmentation during pregnancy?

Can I have breast augmentation during pregnancy?

Having the body image we desire can be fundamental to enjoy a good self-esteem and self-confidence. However, there are situations in which we must take precautions or even postpone our operation for a few months, since we could jeopardize our health or the results of the intervention. Below, we will try to answer [...].